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Article Title: Get In Touch With Your Competition
Author: Sonia Colon
Word Count: 357
Author's Email Address: customercare@
We all know that competition is an ugly word but competitors are a
fact of life in business. If your business can't compete with other
businesses, don't start it. You have to have some type of an edge.
You may have an excellent product or service, but if everyone else is
selling a product or service similar to yours, just how much of the
market can you expect to capture?
You will have to learn everything there is to know about your
competition and understand their marketing strategies.
The best way to research your competition is to locate those you
consider the largest threat to your potential business. Take the time
to make a note of and acquire a feel for how your competitors deals
with their customers, then answer these questions:
*What appeals to you most about their website, introduction, setup etc.?
*How large of an inventory do they carry?
*Are their products display eye-catching?
*What is their Alexa, Google, Yahoo, and
AOL ranking?
*Are their testimonials positive?
*Are their prices in line and competitive with yours?
*What do they offer that you could not?
*Do they offer discounts?
*Do they offer a return policy?
*Do they offer any special services, such as free
*Which areas could do with some improvement and
could you improve in these areas?
*Do they keep their online store up-to-date?
*What means of promotion do they use (flyers,
coupons, free gifts, etc.)?
Next, create a profile of each main competitor. Know how they
advertise, why their customers shop there, what areas need improving,
and how successfully you can expect to compete with them.
You may also develop ideas for improving and promoting your own
business. Your success will lie in assessing and understanding your
competitor's strengths and weaknesses.
Evaluate and compare your own strengths and weaknesses to stay in
touch with the competition and succeed in your business.
About the author:
Sonia Colon is owner of a successful
online specialty giftstore "Jimson Products"
visit: http://www.jimsonpr
wonderful display.Get Your Own FREE Mall:

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