Sunday, September 10, 2006

ArticleBlaster Are You Using 4/4 Full Color Business Cards?


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John Harley

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Article Title: Are You Using 4/4 Full Color Business Cards?
Author: John Harley
Word Count: 471
Article URL:
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: grimagon2[at] (replace [at]
with @)

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
4/4 color refers to the full photographic (unlimited) colors on
both sides of the business card.

Color business cards have become very popular in the last few
years as the cost of producing them are coming down. Color
business cards look better, are more effective and give better
results than your standard business cards. Have you ever
swapped business cards with someone only to feel embarrassed
about your business card when you see their flashy well
designed business card. There is no need to be. 4/4 color
business cards are widely available nowadays, and available
very cheaply.

Imagine a person receives 2 business cards from 2 gift shops.
One is a standard with a 3 color logo and contact details on
the front of the business card. The other is a 4/4 full color
business card with product pictures on the back. If the person
was looking to purchase gifts and they were looking through
their business cards which one do you think would stand out?

Next, imagine a person receives 2 business cards from a
computer repairman. One is a standard black and white business
card with contact details on the front and services offered on
the back. The other is a 4/4 color business card with a photo
of himself on the back next to his services offered. Which do
you think the person would first contact if they came in need
of a computer repairman.

With 4/4 color printing there are many things you can do that
you cannot do in limited colors or black and white. Looking at
just the examples above you will be able to make your business
cards stand out more, offer more information about your
products including product images, or make your business card
more personal (by including your photo on the card people will
feel like they have already met you and feel more comfortable
in contacting you).

4/4 Full color business cards have been shown to give a 20%
better conversion rate than normal business cards and can
definitely give a better first impression than your standard
1-3 color business cards. With these statistics it seems hard
to debate whether color business cards are necessary for your
business. I think for the great majority of businesses, full
color business cards come at such a little cost and can give
such a great first impression of your company, putting across
the impression of your business being modern, stylish,
professional and together with product pictures or photographs
of people can help make your business much more 'familiar' and
trustworthy, providing you with better contact rates from your
distributed business cards.

So don't waste anytime! Come up with a creative, bright, well
designed color business card that represents your business
well, and you will surely see the results. Get the leap on your

About The Author: :: Full
Colour Business Card Design and Printing Written by John Harley
of 'The Business Card Shop'. The cheapest full color business
cards guaranteed!!

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================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by John Harley please visit:

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