Wednesday, August 23, 2006

ArticleBlaster You Can Publish Your Passion, Free


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Please consider this free-reprint article written by:
Average Joe Boomer

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Article Title: You Can Publish Your Passion, Free
Author: Average Joe Boomer
Word Count: 668
Article URL:
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: avgjoeboomer[at] (replace
[at] with @)

Easy Publish Tool:

================== ARTICLE START ==================
All by themselves every Tom, Dick and Harry can now publish
their creations for free (or with very little cost)!

Where do musicians, movie makers, comedians, authors,
educators, photographers, graphic artists, hobbyists, political
activists and business speculators converge for a global
audience with no traditional publisher? On websites that are
completely automated, enabling everyone to self-publish using
state-of-the-art technology, of course! These services
print-on-demand, incurring product costs only when they receive
an order, so they offer services at low cost or for free.
Self-publishing action is increasing.

Anyone can now publish their passions by printing books,
compact discs, photography or original artwork on posters and
framed prints, or graphic designs for clothing and other
products! It is automated so all the content, artwork, product
selection (with some limits), retail prices and profit margins
are self determined and self published at websites like and This writer has done
it on both of these sites. Of course, the intellectual property
must be your own because all copyright laws apply. How cool is
that? It is very cool and state-of-the-art!

For all of us except traditional publishers, this is a dream
come true! If I were a traditional publisher, I would start
thinking a career change toward more of my own intellectual
property creation might be needed, to survive.

Back on point, for traditional publishers and everyone who
wants to self publish and sell something they have created,
below is an overview of what it takes to get it done. What you
must do in the case of a book for example, is everything. You
must write the manuscript and prepare it in PDF format exactly
as it will print. Adobe Acrobat is a popular program to convert
your text to PDF format. You must prepare the cover art, spine
and back cover artwork files in a graphics art program, exactly
as it will print with margins, bleeds, all of it and then
convert it to the format required by your self publishing
service. And you must set the sale price and profit margins!
Costs from the print-on-demand publishing services are
predetermined based upon variables of book size, paper type,
book style, page count and binding options. Options can include
hard cover, soft cover and more unusual choices.

A little reading about copyright, trade mark and trade name
laws from easily found websites through search engines and you
will know how to incorporate those symbols into your files.

Once you have all of that prepared, with your own legal
protections on your intellectual property in place, you upload
the files to your online self publisher(s) of choice. Then
order a sample! When you have it the way you want it, then you
have a new task to undertake.

That would be promoting your new self published work, which
this article may assist me in accomplishing. There are plenty
of online pay services, and a few free ones providing minimal
distribution, to distribute press releases about your new
venture and creation(s). That is one method of raising
awareness. Another is writing articles as Randall Ulbricht of has so thoroughly explained to us in
the blog at his website. In the case of clothing and other
imprinted products, wearing and using the products yourself in
public is one of the most obvious ways of raising awareness and
increasing your brand recognition.

I never said it would be easy. But really, as people learn
photo editing, website building and graphics art programs,
along with word processing programs, all of this becomes easy
compared to the old fashioned way of doing it all; the way we
did it before many of you were born. So pull the pieces
together and get started on your next creation for publication!

If I were a traditional publisher, I think I would start
creating something of my own to sell.

About The Author: Average Joe Boomer promotes his vision of
boosting troop morale, by influencing voters, with his site at He also promotes his Sly Dawg
character at His publication
names include Average Joe Baby Boomer and Joe Ostrich (Getting
Your Head Out of the Sand � A Baby Boomer�s Reform Agenda).
Contact him at:

Please use the HTML version of this article at:
================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by Average Joe Boomer please

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