Monday, August 28, 2006

ArticleBlaster Turnkey Systems For Internet MLM/Affiliate Companies


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Charlie Wildish

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Article Title: Turnkey Systems For Internet MLM/Affiliate
Author: Charlie Wildish
Word Count: 457
Article URL:
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: catchall[at]
(replace [at] with @)

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
No matter how great an MLM companies products are, or how great
it compensation plan is or how great the founder of the company
is; there is still one main underlying question in every
prospects mind. That is, �can I do it�? In a bid to make the
answer to this question �yes�, many companies are putting in
place a high degree of automation. This includes things like
data capture of visitor details, autoresponder to follow up and
send messages automatically, ways to generate traffic to your
website. In other words; a system that the prospect can �plug

A popular buzzword in adverts for Internet MLM/Affiliate
businesses that provide such a highly automated system is to
call it a �turnkey� opportunity. The suggestion is that you
join up, put in your details (turn the metaphoric key) and off
you go making lots of money.

It is the advantage of the Internet that many systems can be
highly automated. This is an attraction of the Internet over
conventional MLM businesses, which rely much more on the human
factor. People skills like communication, presenting, dress
sense, closing the sale, time from last shower; are always much
more inconsistent and less duplicatable.

MLM companies often liken themselves to a vehicle, taking you
down the road to success. My car (the real one) is a turnkey
system. I turn on the ignition and I can drive anywhere I want
to go. However, I need to know how to drive, how to use the
steering wheel, the pedals and (probably most importantly) the

So it is with internet turnkey systems, you still need to know
how to drive them. You need detailed instructions how to turn
the key and make your on-line vehicle drive. Before going too
deeply into any on-line business, check out the back office and
make sure that you have instructions and guidance. However good
or automated an online system is, you still need to attract
traffic to it. Make sure that the on-line guide clearly tells
you how to do this.

Many companies will let you have a free trial period where you
can check them out first. Check these out first before you
commit yourself. See what level of instruction and support is
available. Maybe ask a question of the support desk to test out
the response.

If it all checks out, then you can feel safe to turn the key of
your new business and drive it down the Internet highways to
wherever you want it to go.

I wish you all every success with your chosen vehicle (at least
you won�t have to worry about speed cameras).

About The Author: Resource and advice for Internet MLM System & guide to
promote your MLM company

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For more free-reprint articles by Charlie Wildish please visit:

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