Thursday, August 31, 2006

ArticleBlaster Starting A Successful Newsletter

Free-Reprint Article Written by: Cheryl Miller
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Article Title:

Starting A Successful Newsletter

Article Description:

A free newsletter is a powerful way to develop your business. By
this means you will be able to build your own in house opt-in
list many of your readers, over time, will become your loyal
lifetime customers. Your subscribers are truly VIPs and should be
treated as such.

Additional Article Information:

640 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2006-08-31 14:24:00

Written By: Cheryl Miller
Copyright: 2006
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Starting A Successful Newsletter
Copyright � 2006 Cheryl Miller
Magnetic Marketer Newsletter

A free newsletter is a powerful way to develop your business. By
this means you will be able to build your own in house opt-in
list many of your readers, over time, will become your loyal
lifetime customers. Your subscribers are truly VIPs and should be
treated as such.

Your newsletter should fulfill these functions

1. Build your business opt-in list

2. Develop business relationships with your subscribers

3. Selling your services, products and affiliate programs

4. Income from 3rd party ads

How will your newsletter build your business opt-in list? When
visitors subscribe to your newsletter they will automatically
join your business list. You can do direct advertising and ad
swaps for new subscribers to your publication. Ad Coops are
useful for building marketing and home business newsletter lists.
Cross promotion with related businesses will also build your

Developing business relationships with your subscribers: This is
a very important part of newsletter publishing. Respond to
questions from subscribers promptly. Always offer free advice and
help to subscribers. Always make sure you give quality content in
your publication. This will establish you as the expert in your
field and inspire confidence and trust in your readers.

Selling your services, products and affiliate programs: Quality,
targeted, in house ads for the products and services you sell can
be offered in your newsletter. Your recommendation as a publisher
will help to sell to your subscribers. Do not put too many just
your best offers.

Income from 3rd party ads: These ads can bring in a little income
and help fund your list building advertising. Make sure they are
good quality and highly targeted to your readers. In this way you
will have responsive readers and happy advertisers.

Your quality newsletter should contain

1. Good informative articles

2. Interesting tips

3. A survey

4. Disclaimer and means for unsubscribing

Content will sell your newsletter and keep unsubscribing to a
minimum. People love original information. Either write the
articles yourself or hire a ghostwriter. It will be worth your

Tips and tricks of the trade are also popular. Readers enjoy
snippets of information that they can jot down and use.

A survey is useful. It is very important for you to know what
your reader wants and the more you the publisher interact with
your readers the better.

Disclaimer and means for unsubscribing: In order to safeguard
yourself and comply with the CanSpam Act always include your
disclaimer at the top, and a way to unsubscribe at the bottom.
See our newsletter for an example of this.

Important tips for good publishing and newsletter management

1. Layout

2. List management

3. Responsible advertising

4. Send out your newsletter on a regular basis

Your layout should be clear and well presented. If your
newsletter looks impressive and professional people will be more
inclined to read and not unsubscribe.

Use an autoresponder to take care of list management and sending
your publication. There are many good ones out there. Words of
caution do not use a free autoresponder as they will include
their ads in your newsletter and this will make you look less
professional. It is critical for your newsletter to look and be
as professional as possible.

Advertise responsibly: Treat your subscribers well. Do not look
at them as dollar bills, and flood their mailboxes with a ton of
ads. Try to keep ads to 2-3 a week and only 4 as a maximum number
in your publication.

Try to send out your newsletter on a regular basis. In this way
you keep in constant contact with your subscribers and can build
business relationships with them more easily.

Newsletters are the heart of your business and can be a lot of
fun to publish. With this powerful free marketing tool you can
build your business at a steady pace and enjoy doing it.

Cheryl Miller is an entrepreneur specializing in niche markets.
For more information about magnetic badges and how they can help
you promote your business, please visit
Cheryl is also the publisher of the Magnetic Marketer Newsletter


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