Monday, August 21, 2006

ArticleBlaster Sell More With Affiliate Marketing


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Please consider this free-reprint article written by:
Scott Lindsay

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Article Title: Sell More With Affiliate Marketing
Author: Scott Lindsay
Word Count: 613
Article URL:
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: slindsay[at] (replace [at]
with @)

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
If you have your own business you know what that can do for
you. It means having prosperity and financial freedom. And if
you extend your business to the Internet, this will only add to
your exposure and expandability. Instead of reaching people
locally, this affords the opportunity for the business to reach
people on a global scale.

And if you are trying to reach more people with your product
than you have done before you may want to consider having other
people help sell your stuff. If you do, you can increase sales
of your products, thereby making higher profits. This system is
referred to as affiliate marketing. Many people do it and have
found it to be a good way to make more money online.

You gain more visitors by having other people sell your
products for you. You can promote your product on other
websites by means of advertising. This advertising can be in
the form of banners or text ads.

There is money to be made online and doing affiliate marketing
is an excellent way of getting there. Many people do it and
make millions selling their products. You can to. Just find
people to sell your products. Make sure you good products to
sell first, though, otherwise no one will buy from you or your

Affiliate marketing is not hard to do. If you have a product
that is in demand, all you need to do is place a link on your
web page that you are looking for people to help sell your
product. Give them the information about your product and show
them how successful your product is in sales. If your product
sells well, the person or people should be more than willing to
jump on the bandwagon and help you sell your product for you.
You just set the affiliate�s commission structure to a certain
percentage, this way your affiliates make money as well as you.

Of course, you may say, �I don�t have any products to sell.�
Well if this is the case, why not find someone who has a
product that is making money and buy all rights to it. Then
hire affiliates to sell that product. There are millions of
products that are available for you to purchase and get the
license to resell.

Whether you sell your own products or buy the rights to someone
else�s products, setting up an affiliate marketing program costs
you absolutely nothing, except some time to promote your stuff.
You can�t go wrong.

Also, when you set up your affiliates to sell your product,
your affiliates can also establish affiliates to help them sell
your product. This is known as a two-tier program. When your
affiliate recruits others, you give your affiliate a certain
percentage of the sell, and he or she gives so much to his
affiliate. If this pattern continues, you will eventually have
several affiliates and they will also do the same. You could be
looking at hundreds and thousands of people helping to promote
your product. Can you imagine the income you could get from
having your product exposed this way? This is true affiliate
marketing at its best.

There are companies that will even manage your affiliate
program for you such as ClickBank, Commission Junction and
others. Just do a search on the web for "affiliate marketing

Why miss out on such an opportunity. Get started in affiliate
marketing and rack up the millions of dollars that are waiting
for you to take a hold of.

About The Author: Scott Lindsay is a web developer and
entrepreneur. He is the founder of
and many other web projects. is the
easiest do-it-yourself website builder on the web. No
programming or design skill required. Get your own website
online in just 5 minutes with at:

Please use the HTML version of this article at:
================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by Scott Lindsay please visit:

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