Tuesday, August 22, 2006

ArticleBlaster Save Time - Boost Productivity with Knowledge Base Software

Free-Reprint Article Written by: Anne Sych
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Article Title:

Save Time - Boost Productivity with Knowledge Base Software

Article Description:

Even in an era often referred to as the "Information Age"
keeping track of information can be a daunting task. Companies
are moving away from traditional paper documentation for internal
policies, references and documentation. We are also seeing a
growing trend for companies to provide their customers access to
information with online self help tools. Organizing your
information for easy retrieval is essential to be competitive in
this marketplace.

Additional Article Information:

358 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2006-08-22 13:00:00

Written By: Anne Sych
Copyright: 2006
Contact Email: mailto:marketing@novosolutions.com

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Save Time - Boost Productivity with Knowledge Base Software
Copyright � 2006 Anne Sych
Novo Help Desk Software

Even in an era often referred to as the "Information Age"�
keeping track of information can be a daunting task. Companies
are moving away from traditional paper documentation for internal
policies, references and documentation. We are also seeing a
growing trend for companies to provide their customers access to
information with online self help tools. Organizing your
information for easy retrieval is essential to be competitive in
this marketplace.

The IDC, a leading global intelligence marketing firm recently
studied the issue of knowledge management. They found that
knowledge workers, some of the industries highest paid workers,
spent about 20% of their day looking for information. In the
American workforce, that translates to about 400 hours per
year/per worker. The IDC further noted that about half of that
time spent searching resulted in the workers (employees) still
not being able to find the information they were looking for.
Imagine"� 200 hours per worker (per year) of wasted time, or put
another way, your employees wasting about 10% of their workday.

The blessing and the curse of the "Information Age"� is that
managers now have at their disposal a wealth of information.
Organizing, storing and retrieving this information effectively
requires a strong knowledge base system.

Knowledge base systems can typically be used for internal and
external support. Internal support systems store company
knowledge to be retrieved by management and staff.
Administrator settings that are easily configured allow for
optimum functionality such as flexible permissions controls,
workflow, article review, etc. External support systems for
customer self help should integrate with your existing web site
and be easy for your customers to navigate. Ease of use,
advanced search capabilities and the ability to rate articles are
essential system features.

Knowledge base software systems are usually priced based on the
number of administrators who will be managing the system. It
pays to research the many features that are available to ensure
you will not soon outgrow your system. Up front spending for
functionality must be weighed against revenue lost for wasted
employee time. A robust knowledge management system will save
your employees search time and boost their search productivity.

IDC Research; January 2005; www.idc.com

Written by: Anne Sych, Marketing Manager for Novo Solutions, Inc.
Novo Solutions, Inc. is an Independent Software Vendor (ISV)
in Virginia Beach, Virginia specializing in Customer Support
Software. Free trial versions of the Novo Help Desk Software,
Knowledge Base Software and suite of web-based Customer Support
Solutions are available. Contact: sales@novosolutions.com for
more information. http://www.novosolutions.com/


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