Title: Make ‘em BEG You to Sell ‘em
Length: 429 words
Author: BIG Mike McDaniel
eMail: Mike@BIGIdeasGroup.
Category: Sales/Business/
Copyright 2006
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Make ‘em BEG You to Sell ‘em
more about business from BIG Mike McDaniel
Any time you are in the presence of a stranger you must
be ready for the "What do you do?" question. And if you
answer in 13 words or less, you can have them eating
out of you hand, begging you to tell them more, begging
you to sell them your product or service.
It ain't magic, it’s your elevator speech.
Understanding, creating and successfully using an
elevator speech, that carefully crafted 13 word
response is a talent few people understand. Master the
elevator speech and 13 words can make a big difference
in your earning power.
ALso called a "Unique Selling Proposition (USP),
"Selling Sentence" and many other names, it remains the
speech you give, in 13 words or less, in the time it
takes an elevator to go to the main floor.
But not just any speech. This one has to be a grabber.
Because if you blow it a pile of business may just walk
across the lobby when the doors open and go right out
the door.
Your elevator speech has got to grab attention and
suggest what you do and how you help rather than who
you are and where you work. There is a really big
And once you craft that little speech, you should be
able to peel it off slicker than a Miss Boom Boom at
the Gentleman's Club.
It should flow from your lips and yet sound causal and
unrehearsed. The best of the elevator speech grabbers
is 13 words or less in length and always gets the
response "Oh? Tell me more!" a BEG for more
information, a BEG to be sold. 13 words that give you
the floor and permission to set the stage and pitch.
What is your elevator speech? How long is it? Do you
have to pause while you fetch it from the far recesses
of your memory? Does it say what you do and how you
help or does it announce name, title and company?
Not everyone can do it, thank goodness. But those who
do find more business success that those who flub
around it. Which would you rather be?
To learn more about how to craft a winning elevator
speech visit http://tinyurl.
©2006 BIG Mike McDaniel, All Rights Reserved
BIG Mike is a Business Consultant and Professional
Speaker. His BIG Ideas Group helps business grow
with promotions, special reports, mastermind
groups, seminars and consulting. Subscribe to "BIG
Ideas for Small Business" Newsletter
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