Sunday, August 27, 2006

ArticleBlaster Lead Generation Online: How To Generate Leads From Your Web Site Visitors


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Please consider this free-reprint article written by:
Rich Brooks

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Article Title: Lead Generation Online: How To Generate Leads
From Your Web Site Visitors
Author: Rich Brooks
Word Count: 593
Article URL:
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: contact[at] (replace [at] with

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
One thing your site visitors enjoy is their anonymity. They can
learn about your company, find directions to your office, get
prices on your products, view examples of your work, all
without sharing one iota of personal information! Great for
them, lousy for you.

Many of your visitors will gather information and move
on...never to think about you again. This is a missed
opportunity! You may have the perfect solution to their
need...if not now, later. How, then, to keep the lines of
communication open?

To get visitors to part with their personal or contact
information, remember back to the school lunch table when you
wanted your friend�s pudding: trade them for something they

Chances are your visitors come to your Web site because they
are looking for a solution to a problem. Offer them an article,
a free sample, or a download that addresses a common need of
your best customers. Trade your information for their contact

Here's what you do:

A visitor arrives at your home page, either through a search
engine, another Web site or by typing in your URL. You offer up
a compelling headline of interest to your target audience:

* Does Your Child Have ADD?
* Free Red Sox Tickets
* 10 Things Your Real Estate Agent Doesn�t Want You to Know

Headlines that address avoiding pain rather than gaining
pleasure are often more dramatic and will get people to take
action (in this case, clicking the link.) Numbers often imply a
short article packed with good information; thus, a good return
on investment in the reader�s mind�another plus.

When your visitor clicks on the link she's taken to a page
where she's asked to complete a short form in order to view the
article, download the presentation handouts or be entered in a
drawing. Gather as little information as possible for you to
market to her in the future, despite your desire to know her
household income and her favorite flavor slushie.

If you plan on marketing via email, you might offer an article
available through email only, which requires them to enter
their actual email address, as opposed to (my personal
favorite.) An autoresponder can be set up that sends the
file--or better yet a link to the file--to the email address
they've provided.

Include a link to your privacy policy. If you don�t have one,
write a clear, concise, truthful paragraph about what you plan
to do with their information. Also make it understood that you
reserve the right to contact them in the future, but at any
time they can request to be taken off your list.

When you are ready to market to your contact list make sure
it's something of interest to your audience. As always, keep
the focus on their needs and you'll increase your chances of
making the sale.

Not everyone will be willing to part with their contact
information; however, these people are unlikely to be good
customers. Your best prospects will realize the benefits of
what you have to offer and will pre-qualify themselves as
interested in other products and services you may offer.

Whether you�re a small business, a non-profit, or a charity,
your list of contacts or customers can make or break your
organization. Use this simple tool to get visitors to opt-in to
your marketing.

About The Author: Rich Brooks is president of flyte new media
(, a Web site design and Internet
marketing company located in Portland, Maine. Flyte designs Web
sites for small businesses and entrepreneurs and supports them
with search engine optimization, email marketing, business blog
and podcast consulting and viral marketing.

Please use the HTML version of this article at:
================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by Rich Brooks please visit:

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