Sunday, August 20, 2006

ArticleBlaster Internet Marketers � What Are You Selling?


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Article Title: Internet Marketers � What Are You Selling?
Author: Joyce Filbeck
Word Count: 584
Article URL:
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: joycef1[at]
(replace [at] with @)

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
Those of us who are doing business online know that whether
you�re selling diets or a business in a box, you�re really
selling information. Most internet users could go down to the
local Walmart or Albertsons and get the necessities of life
without ever turning on their computer.

But the successful internet marketing sites are selling
something local markets don�t; and that�s information. Oh sure
the average consumer can ask a store clerk or ask a neighbor;
but many of us don�t know our neighbors, we�re not sure that
clerk really knows the real scoop and who has time to do
research at your local library?

So we go to the internet and find all the information we could
possibly need at our fingertips. That�s the reasons this is
called the �Information Age�; because at the touch of a button
our insatiable need for information can be satisfied.

If you look at those that make it big � the super affiliates
and super marketers � you�ll find they sell information. As
someone pointed out recently, even Bill Gates (or maybe
especially) sells information. He sells software; something we
all use in our very own computers.

When my computer is on the fritz or my internet connection is
down it�s as bad as when the electricity is off. I
instinctively reach for that light switch even when there�s no
power. If I�m cut off from the internet � there is always
something I need to know (usually several things) and I�ll
instinctively head for the computer to get the information �
only to remember its down.

And I�m not alone. More and more the internet is where everyone
turns for information. It�s second nature to us now. That�s what
people do on the internet - they gather information. And that�s
what the search engines want to provide for their searchers.
Sites full of information. So the savvy marketer will provide
just that.

Whether your niche is that diet or business, you know the first
thing potential customers want is information. If you�re not
providing information first, you�re not providing what those
�on-line� are looking for. You want them at your site, reading
your information and then when they make up their mind, they�ll
buy your product.

But what sort of information are your potential customers
looking for? That�s easy enough to find out; and it�s free. You
can go to newsgroups and forums where your customers hang out.
Ask questions or maybe even answer a few. Interact and find out
what they�re searching for.

Then provide that information. Research the topic and compile
what you learn so you are the �go to� person for that topic.
And why should these intrepid internet information gatherers
come to you, rather than the countless others out there who
have similar information? Because you�re going to give them the
better value. If they buy your information � your eBook � or
your report, you�ll give them additional valuable information.
They may be able to get a comparable product from someone else,
but they won�t be able to get the additional info without buying
from you.

It�s all about information. In order to be a success you
certainly need to know what you�re selling � and what we�re
selling online is information.

About The Author: Joyce Filbeck runs the website, your resource to start a
business from home, without all the expense. For the best blogs,
newsgroups and forums check here

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================== ARTICLE END ==================

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