Thursday, August 31, 2006

ArticleBlaster The Importance Of Having A Budget For Marketing


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Please consider this free-reprint article written by:
Jordi Shoman

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Article Title: The Importance Of Having A Budget For Marketing
Author: Jordi Shoman
Word Count: 325
Article URL:
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: mynetjob[at] (replace [at]
with @)

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
When you want to market a product or service for your business,
it is of vital importance that you develop a marketing budget.
You can't spend all of your capital and marketing and not have
enough left over to be able to create the products you intend
to sell. On the other hand, you can't put all of your money
into the products without developing some kind of marketing
strategy to bring them to the attention of potential customers.

One way to try and ensure that you don't have all your eggs in
one basket is to develop a budget of the amount of money that
you can afford to spend on marketing and stick to it. You also
have to make a decision about the best form of marketing. This
means that you have to decide which method of marketing will
bring you the most attention from customers. Television
advertising is very high and radio advertising comes in a close
second. It doesn't cost a lot of money to advertise in the
newspapers, but you do have to be careful about where your ad
gets placed. It may or may not be in the part of the newspaper
where your customers will look for products.

Your marketing budget has to include the prices that you pay
for each type of advertising. Where and how you market will
depend on the type of customers you hope to attract. Business
cards are a cheap method of marketing products, but you have to
distribute them to the appropriate people. When you have a niche
area and you know there is a demand for your product or service,
you do need to do your research to find competitive ways of
bringing it to the attention of the buying public. Without a
marketing plan you won't do a lot of business and without
setting a marketing budget, you may be wasting your hard earned

About The Author: If you need Marketing information or have
articles to distribute on Marketing issues, visit our Marketing
section at: Free
article distribution for authors, free content for webmasters:

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================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by Jordi Shoman please visit:

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