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Article Title: How To Skyrocket Your Online Profits?
Author: Franck Silvestre
Word Count: 704
Article URL: http://www.isnare.
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: abutalhahipm[
with @)
Easy Publish Tool: http://www.isnare.
It is one of the most important question that you should ask
yourself, and know. There is only two ways to increase your
profits, and we will review them here...
You need first to get more visitors, and in a second time, you
need to increase the SPV. Let' s focus now on the first point:
get more visitors. There is numerous way to do that, some of
them are crucial for your business, while the others are
You need to test them all and focus on the one you like, after
you know it is something working for you. Then you will know
what is working and what is just wasting of your valuable time.
You can: buy targeted hits (traffic) for your website, or send
an email to your opt in mailing list. (an opt-in list represent
a list of customers who agreed from your website form or -other
source- to receive informations for you, or offers, it could be
an e-zine, or newsletter,.
It is important that you use a double opt-in system, to avoid
being subject to SPAM complains. You can pay someone else a
commission on sales generated by having him sending massages to
his own opt-in list. It is a JV, Joint Venture.
You may pay a fee to put a banner on another website, or pay
someone a commission on sales generated to put a banner, ad or
link to his website; you can submit links to your website to
search engines, or exchange links with other websites.
An other option is viral marketing: you release a free report
that contains links to your website and allow website in your
niche market to give it away.
You will reach a amazing number of people with that method
alone. You may set up your own affiliate program. As you can
see, increase your traffic is not impossible, and there is
numerous ways to do it.
In the second part, we will learn how we can increase your SPV,
which is the second way to increase your profits in any business
you are involved in, online or offline.
Increase your profits as we have seen in the first part of our
article is easy if you know how to do it.
We have seen that we need to get more visitors; and now we will
learn that we need to increase the SPV. SPV means: Sale Per
Visitor. The concept is that with the same number of visitors,
you close more sales.
You will need to know how to calculate a conversion rate. But
don' t worry, no need to be a crack in mathematics, there are
very good softwares out there to track your advertising, and
they will automatically calculate your conversion rate for you,
and many more data that you will need later, as you become an
expert affiliate.
Explanation of the conversion rate(CV):
A certain percentage of people will buy something from your
For example: for 100 prospects, 5 buy your product: 5/100 =
0.05% = CV.
A good CV is between 1% to 10%.
It is very important to increase your SPV.
Here is different ways to do that:
* add web pages to your website,
* add new products to your website,
* update your webpage by testing it,
* add audio to your website,
* add testimonial,
* tweak existing content on your website
* add paragraph to existing sales letters
* add more content to your business,
* add software that shows you if the changes you made make you
The more words, webpages, and free products you provide to your
potential customers, the better it is. You will also need to
increase the sign up conversion rate.
Giving a freebie increases the number of person who will give
you their email address, so you can follow up with a 7 days
course, or ezine, or newsletter, and then...close the sale. A
good sign up conversion rate is between 10% and 33%. Now you
must act and try yo increase your SPV.
About The Author: Franck Silvestre is a full time Internet
Marketer and he invites you to his free affiliate tips at
Marketing ebook here:
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