Thursday, August 24, 2006

ArticleBlaster How To Earn $1000 Online Fast!

Free-Reprint Article Written by: Willie Crawford
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Article Title:

How To Earn $1000 Online Fast!

Article Description:

Almost every day, I get at least one email or phone call from a
subscriber or potential client who is in a financial bind.
Often they need $1000 or more for rent or car payments within the
next few days. They're looking for me to give them a quick-fix
solution, so that they can then focus on building a solid online

Additional Article Information:

1361 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2006-08-24 10:24:00

Written By: Willie Crawford
Copyright: 2006
Contact Email:

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How To Earn $1000 Online Fast!
Copyright � 2006 Willie Crawford
Willie Crawford Incorporated

Almost every day, I get at least one email or phone call from a
subscriber or potential client who is in a financial bind.
Often they need $1000 or more for rent or car payments within the
next few days. They're looking for me to give them a quick-fix
solution, so that they can then focus on building a solid online

I “shudder when I hear someone say that they need to do
something "now" because I've seen so many people in similar
situations make very bad decisions. Often when they implemented
poorly conceived plans it ended up costing them much more in the
long run.

Here are the top suggestions that I offer to Internet marketers
who find themselves in the above described situation:

1) Write an ebook and offer resale rights to it. Currently
Internet marketers love resale rights to ebooks. If you can put
together a complete package that includes a website that's even

Writing an ebook is no harder than writing a high school research
paper and then converting it to PDF format. If you are really
stuck, you could get a ghost writer to do it for you, but that
means you need capital upfront.

Creating a website is no harder than visiting any of hundreds of
template sites (which offer many free templates) and choosing a
suitable template. Then you edit the template in your favorite
html editor.

If you do offer the website with the ebook package then you also
need to come up with the copy. The absolute easiest way to do
this (for me) is to pretend I'm explaining, to someone sitting
across from me, what problem(s) the ebook solves and why they
need it. Then you go back and add things such as a guarantee,
bonuses, and perhaps testimonials. To get the testimonials, offer
free copies of the ebook to online associates in exchange for
feedback. If the feedback they give you is negative, then that
tells you where you need to fix the ebook.

This won't give you the best copy in the world but will give you
something that can be reworked several times. After you're out
of that bind, if you want to become a really good copywriter,
then you get a top copywriting course, such as the one I own
(Yanik Silver's Ultimate At Home Copywriting Course):

After the ebook package is created, you can offer it to your list
if you have one. If not, you can offer it prominently on your
website. Make the offer irresistible. You can also offer it
through online forums, and community-type sites, where they allow
you to advertise. In a real pinch, you can offer it through Ebay
auctions, but realize that Ebay buyers are generally looking for
a bargain.

2) Create, or have created, a piece of software and offer resale
rights to it. Practically everything said about marketing the
ebook package applies to a software package. You can go to
numerous sites such as and and place a
description of the software you want created. "Techies"
registered at these sites then bid on your job. You review their
bids, their references and portfolios, and then choose one to do
the job.

There are techniques and intricacies to hiring out work through
these sites. I won't explain them here because there are
countless articles on the topic that you can find through the
search engines. Read several of these articles, and you should be
equipped with the do's and don'ts of hiring out work through
"lance-type" sites.

3) Offer your services. If you've been online for any amount
of time, and been seriously learning the skills required, then
you should have marketable talents. Many online marketers do the
tasks that they do best and outsource the rest. If you make it
known that you are available to do some of these chores, you
should be able find jobs.

One problem that I've noticed in this area is that someone will
offer to pass along work to another person (as a favor to get
them out of a bind), and the person gaining the work will quote
outrageous fees. Don't do that! The person offering the work
will just go find someone who charges reasonable fees.

The are numerous Elance-type sites where you can go to list your
availability and/or to see what jobs may be listed. You can also
post your availability on certain discussion forums and
community-type sites.

4) Sell an affiliate product using article marketing. This is
one of my favorite selling techniques, and one that I teach
often to "serious content marketers" such as members of Content
Desk where I sometimes help conduct webinars. It's at,
appropriately enough :

My system, which should be easy for you to adopt, is to first
identify a product that's really needed and wanted by your
marketplace. It should already be selling well. Identify the
problems that this product solves. Then you write an article
about the PROBLEMS. Emphasize why these are really serious
problems that your reader really wants to solve. Then you show
why the affiliate product that you are marketing is the perfect
solution. This is a proven formula!

After you've written the article, you can distribute it to
article directories and publishers using article submission
software. You can also use article submission services which may
be a little more expensive (but can also be more convenient).
The software that I use, submits to over 700 sites, and comes as
part of my membership in Content Desk.

You can also submit your article directly to the publishers of
your favorite ezines. Use a personal approach with each one.
Explain that you are a longtime subscriber, and why you feel that
this article is perfect for their ezine. Explain how their
readers would benefit from the article and therefore be further
endeared to the ezine. By explaining the "what's in it for
them and their readers" you increase the chances of them using
your article dramatically.

5) Run a sale from your site of specially selected product(s).
If you have a steady flow of repeat visitors, this can solve your
cash flow problem very quickly. What's critical here is that
you make absolutely certain that the product is fresh, in-demand,
and properly priced.

After identifying a product that you plan to sell, do a search on
Ebay to confirm it's not being sold dirt- cheap over there. Then
do a search on your favorite search engine for the product, and
visit a few sites selling the product to see what they're
selling it for. Unless it's your own product, or brand new, you
should be able to find it in the search engines. If you see a lot
of sites giving the product away, that a sign that you should
seek another product (one that's not being devalued).

Find, or have created, a good product, place it on its own page
on your site (with NOTHING else), and then direct traffic to that
page. Then use standard copywriting techniques to sell the
product. Prove to them that your price is better than they can
find it elsewhere. Prove to them that the product will solve
their problems. The easiest way to do this is with testimonials.
Ask them for the order, and make it as easy as possible to place
the order.

Any of the above five techniques will enable you to generate some
quick revenue in a pinch. I've used 1, 2 and 4 numerous times
with fantastic results, although I wasn't in a pinch. The reason
that I don't use number 3 is that I don't like trading time for
money, which is what you're doing when you offer a service. Your
earnings are limited by the amount of time that you can offer. I
rarely use number 5 but when I have used it, it's worked well

The final thing you have to do after deciding to use any of the
above techniques is to DO it. Make a plan and then take massive
action. Don't over-analyze. That's what stops too many people
from extricating themselves from that crisis!

Willie Crawford has been teaching Internet marketing for over
9 years. Take advantage of his uncanny insights and unusual
candor by subscribing to his free, information-packed
newsletter. Also visit his top-rated blog. Do both at:


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