Tuesday, August 29, 2006

ArticleBlaster The Formula For A Successful Online Business

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Article Title:

The Formula For A Successful Online Business

Article Description:

Many people dream of starting their own home business and having
it become wildly successful. You can find stories everyday of
people who have done this, and they talk about how much money
they made and how great it is to work for his or her self. But
just what is the formula that one must follow to operate one of
these successful home businesses?

Additional Article Information:

1299 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2006-08-29 11:36:00

Written By: Tod Kilgore
Copyright: 2006
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The Formula For A Successful Online Business
Copyright � 2006 Tod Kilgore
Web From Home

Many people dream of starting their own home business and having
it become wildly successful. You can find stories everyday of
people who have done this, and they talk about how much money
they made and how great it is to work for his or her self. But
just what is the formula that one must follow to operate one of
these successful home businesses?

When it comes to Internet home businesses, there are certain
characteristics that a website needs to have in order to be
profitable. Once merged, these characteristics become a
repeatable formula for success. Let's take a look at just what
these characteristics of a successful home Internet business are:

A Solid Commitment By The Owner To Make The Business A Success.

Operating an Internet business from your home is not as simple as
setting it up and forgetting about it. Running a home-based web
company requires dedication and work on your part, if you want it
to be truly successful and profitable. There simply is no
get-rich-quick scheme that will bring you success.

A solid commitment by the owner means that you will need to
continually learn about your business model and your customers.
Successful home-based businesses all share the trait of an owner
that is committed to making that business a success. A home-based
Internet business requires that you in fact treat it as a
business, not a hobby. This means that you will dedicate time to
the business, especially in the beginning, to get it set up and
to work out all of the bugs. No program, no matter how good it
is, can instill this commitment level into you.

Solid Products And Services, With A Secure Shopping Cart, And
Easy Navigation For The Customers.

A customer on the Internet, much like a customer offline,
requires that you sell products or services that are of high
quality. Customers are not willing to buy shoddy products and
they look for things like guarantees and warranties, especially
when they are shopping on the Internet. Since these customers
cannot feel or touch the product that you are selling, they
require some sort of promise from you that the product or service
will be of high quality.

There are still many customers that do not feel comfortable
shopping online for fear that their credit card information will
not be safe and secure on the Internet. This is why it is
essential that your home-based online business offer a secure
shopping cart to the customers when they make a purchase. A
shopping cart is the method of which the customer actually makes
the purchase and can track exactly which of your products or
services that he or she is purchasing.

Easy navigation is a must if you want to make sales. Too many
webmasters make sites that are flashy and neat looking, but these
sites often confuse and frustrate potential customers. If you
have ever been to one of these websites then you know exactly
what I am referring to. A website where you cannot find the
information that you are looking for, such as the price of the
product or an accurate description of that product, results in
customers leaving without making a purchase.

Quality Products And/Or Services That People Want To Purchase.

Any business, online or offline, which sells something that
nobody wants to purchase, is doomed to fail. It has been said
that on the Internet you can find a customer that will buy
whatever you are selling no matter how odd or useless that
product is. While this may be true that you find "a" customer
that will make a purchase, successful companies look for products
and services that "many" customers will want to purchase.

Remember that a successful online business requires useful
products or services and repeat business from satisfied
customers. A useless product may result in a few sales here and
there, but in the long run it will not give you the profitability
that you need to succeed.

Consistent Promotion And Advertising Of The Business Over The
Long Haul.

The Internet is extremely competitive when it comes to acquiring
customers. It seems that almost every website has something to
sell and each site is working hard to attract customers. This is
why you need to develop marketing plan that includes consistent
promotion and targeted advertising. No business would be
successful in simply creating one marketing campaign and then
forgetting about it their marketing altogether. Even companies
that have been around for decades, such as the soft drink and
automobile companies, are constantly promoting their products,
even though everyone knows their brand and their products.

Tracking The Results Of The Home Business Via Metrics.

Quality metrics are a must for any successful venture. Metrics
are the methods that you use to learn about your customers and
their purchasing trends. Via metrics you will learn what products
are actually selling, the demographics of your customers, if
there is a particular time of year that your products are in
higher demand, and much more.

Without metrics a business owner will not be as efficient as he
or she could be. You need to know who your customers are, what
they want from you, and how much they are willing to pay for your
products or services.

An Owner That Is Willing To Keep Learning, From The People Who
Know Have Been Successful Before Them.

When running a home-based business, there is no need to reinvent
the wheel. Mentoring programs have shown us for decades that
learning from those that have been successful in the past is the
most effective method of learning. Find any successful business
person and you will find someone that is not afraid to learn from
others, and more importantly, to learn from others who are more
successful than they are in their business model.

Unfortunately, none of us will ever know it all when it comes to
running a successful venture, and this is where the continued
learning comes into play. There are always new strategies being
utilized and developed that you will need to understand in order
to be as profitable as you can be.

An Owner Who Is Willing To Invest In His Or Her Own Future.

Investing in your own future means many things when it comes to
running an online business. This means that:

* you are willing to reinvest some of your profits into
marketing campaigns that can give you a solid return on
* you will be willing to pay for continuing education, and
* you will be willing to spend money to make money

Profitable companies know that they can increase profits by
investing into their business and developing new products and
services for their customers. They learn from metrics what their
customers want to purchase and how to reach those customers.

Of course it is always advisable to take a good look at the
payoff, or return on investment, before making a particular
investment. Some investments will bring you a higher return than
others, so it makes sense to figure out how you can best spend
your working capital. It is important to remember that any
business not willing to invest and reinvest in itself is sure to
fail. Successful businesses are successful, because they
continually invest into growing their business.

In Conclusion...

These characteristics of successful online home-based businesses
are proven traits that successful business owners have utilized
for years. These are the characteristics that will help you and
your home-based business grow and prosper. Together, these
characteristics comprise a formula that you can apply to all
online business models, no matter how large or small. If you
follow this formula for your business, your chances for success
are greatly improved, and you will be light years ahead of many
of your competitors.

Tod Kilgore is the owner of WebFromHome.com
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in staggering profits and create total freedom by using this
strange but completely proven system that Guarantees a home
business that can start making you money as soon as tomorrow.
Get our Free Report here: http://www.webfromhome.com/


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