Monday, July 17, 2006

ArticleBlaster Law Firm Marketing And The "I Hate Selling� Syndrome


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Article Title: Law Firm Marketing And The "I Hate Selling�
Author: Henry Harlow
Word Count: 744
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Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: henryharlow[at] (replace [at]
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================== ARTICLE START ==================
Do you hate selling? Should you hate selling? What does
�selling� mean anyway? How does hating selling impact your
client service and revenue? If you decide to learn to love
selling (or love it now) how would you go about developing that
love anyway?

Law firm marketing and the �hating part� in the title depends
on what you mean by selling don�t you think? After all many
people think the word �sell� is a four-letter word. If you mean
the kind of traditional selling we find prevalent in the selling
of new or used cars or if you think of selling as getting
someone to purchase what you have to sell regardless of the
means used - then I would say I hate selling myself! In law
firm marketing if you mean facilitating a person�s unique
process in deciding what is in their highest and best interest
(while suspending one�s own needs and supporting their decision
making process) - then I love selling. I assert, in law firm
marketing, selling is not something to �hate� given how I
define selling. In fact selling, given my definition, is a
required skill set in serving people well and is critical in
lawyer marketing. Given my definition what do you do? Read on.

What does this law firm marketing coach recommend you do in
building sales skills? First, I would suggest you think through
your responsibility to your prospective clients to deliver
�buyer facilitation� (more on this a bit later). Second, I
would suggest you become familiar with some of the
�consultative sales� models that have been developed that are
applicable to lawyer marketing. Few attorneys have ever had any
training in sales or even read a book on the subject (or so I
have found in my work with over 500 attorneys). What are these
sales models that can work with lawyer marketing? Read on.

One model that works with law firm marketing and has a 30-year
track record is the Sandler Sales Institute�s 7-Step System For
Successful Selling. The book I found that is best for
understanding this approach is David H. Sandler�s You Can�t
Teach A Kid To Ride A Bike At A Seminar. There are around 175
Sandler franchisees around the country that have multiyear
sales training programs you don�t need, however, you can find
the book at Even though I don�t agree with
all that is said in this book it is one of the top three I
recommend for law firm marketing. The next model is Integrity
Selling For The 21st Century by Ron Willingham. One of it�s big
strengths is talking about different �buyer types� so you don�t
speak the same way to everyone, instead you speak to their
�type� if you can.

Finally, my top recommendation for lawyer marketing is Selling
with Integrity by Sharon Drew Morgan. She has a website at where you can
get her latest e-book (which is an update of her hard copy
book). Sharon�s model is the one I use in my work since it is
�third generation� and a win/win situation. First came
traditional selling, and then came the consultative sales
model, and now the buyer facilitation model. One does not throw
out consultative sales (represented in the first two books I
mention) totally with buyer facilitation but consultative sales
skills comes AFTER buyer facilitation. Also, it goes without
saying traditional sales is out in law firm marketing.

Why would sales distinctions (more on that in my client
development e-course) be important to learn in law firm
marketing? First, you want everyone you talk with to have a
good experience. Whether they hire you or not they have been
profoundly served and will remember your unique connection with
them as well as tell others. Second, you want your prospective
client to be an educated consumer in making a decision since an
educated consumer is more likely to say �yes� and say it sooner
than later. Third, as a law firm marketing coach I am
interested in your �conversion ratio� or how many of the people
you talk with actually turn into clients. If I can help you
improve your �conversion ratio� or please forgive me �closing
ratio� then I will increase your income while you serve your
clients better than ever. What is wrong with that?

About The Author: Henry has individually coached well over 500
attorneys. You can get free, in depth, and objective
information on increasing your revenue while reducing your work
hours with free e-courses on client development and time
management/productivity available now at

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