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Cory Threlfall
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Article Title: How To Use Viral Traffic Exchanges To Create
Your Own Auto-Pilot Lead Generation System
Author: Cory Threlfall
Word Count: 757
Article URL: http://www.isnare.
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: internetwonders[
[at] with @)
Easy Publish Tool: http://www.isnare.
Lead Generation is probably ONE of the most important and most
critical parts of ANY business, whether its Online or Offline,
because these leads are what make up the foundation of your
business and what will keep you in business for years to come.
The more leads you are able to generate through your online
marketing efforts, the more people(or customers) you have to
send your 'Sales Offers' to on whatever schedule you choose.
Online Marketers like call this practice... "Opt-In List
I'm sure you've probably heard the catch phrase, "The Money Is
In The List", at least once or twice while surfing the net.
Well, there right. And the BIGGER you build it, the better.
Now, your probably wondering what the heck do VIRAL Traffic
Exchanges have to do with Lead Generation.
The answer is quite simple actually.
VIRAL Traffic Exchanges are website traffic producers that send
your website targeted traffic when you surf using their program,
and we all know that in order to generate leads and build an
Opt-In List of any size, we need Targeted Traffic.
Those are the *undisputed* Facts!
And the real cool thing about VIRAL Traffic Exchanges is the
more people you refer through your Personal Referral Link that
you get when you sign up, the more traffic you'll receive
without ever having to lift a finger because the people you
referred are the ones who are going to generate all that FREE
targeted traffic for you when they surf using the VIRAL Traffic
Exchange they sign up under you for.
The BIGGER the downline you build, the more Targeted website
traffic you'll receive.
Are you with me?
Of course, you do have the option to purchase credits if you
like, but why, when all you really have to do is start
referring others through your personal Referral Link and have
them earn the credits for you.
But, that's really up to you.
Now, with that said, this is where it gets exciting because if
you have your Name Squeeze Pages(if you don't know what a Name
Squeeze Page is I'll explain in a moment) plugged in to your
favorite VIRAL Traffic Exchange under the category that targets
your market and you managed to build your downline to where your
referrals are generating you a decent amount of credits(traffic)
or you just purchased some credits to get started, all you have
to do is sit back and watch your Lead Generation System or
Opt-In List grow on its own.
As far as your Opt-In Lists growth, it really depends on how
much traffic your generating, and most importantly, on how well
your Name Squeeze Page converts those visitors into Leads, which
is where you must TEST and TWEAK.
My recommendation is to put up TWO completely different Name
Squeeze Pages and see which one converts the BEST, then use
that one for all other promotions.
Now for those of you who are not quit sure what a Name Squeeze
Page is, here's a quick definition:
Its simply a single webpage with a Special Offer like, for
example: a Free Report, eBook, eCourse or Newsletter; that has
an Opt-In form where your potential lead enters their Name and
eMail Address.
That's it. Nothing fancy.
Here's an example of one of mine for you to view:
Once they've entered their Name and eMail Address, you now have
their permission to send them offers as often as you like given
you give them the option to 'Opt-Out' at any given time if they
wish not to receive any futher mailings from you. VERY
You do not want to be 'Flagged' as a Spammer, and further more,
you do not want any legal action taken against you.
By just doing it right the first time, you can go to bed
knowing that everything is okay and in order.
Well, there you have it. A simple system that will build your
Opt-In List on complete AUTOPILOT by simply using free VIRAL
Traffic Exchanges and Name Squeeze Pages so you too can reep
the benefits of having your very own Opt-In List that you can
market your offers to at Absolutely NO COST, anytime you want.
About The Author: Cory Threlfall is the Editor and Publisher of
a Online Business and Marketing publication called... The
Internet Wonders eZine, where you'll receive 'Daily' via the
Web or RSS syndication, Expert Articles, Product Reviews, Web
Resources and More on how to Promote and Build your business
online. Go NOW to get your FREE Subscription and $500 BONUS ==>
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1 comment:
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
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