Monday, July 24, 2006

ArticleBlaster How Digital Stock Photos Mean Sales For You


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Please consider this free-reprint article written by:
Ken Snodin

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Article Title: How Digital Stock Photos Mean Sales For You
Author: Ken Snodin
Word Count: 415
Article URL:
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: kensnodin[at] (replace
[at] with @)

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
Many of the images you see everyday in magazines, direct mail
materials, and commercials are filled with digital stock
photographs. Stock photographs are those taken by professional
photographers and then distributed to users for a fee.

Digital photos are taken with digital cameras and can be easily
modified and edited with the appropriate software. These photos
are used by advertisers who know that a good picture can
translate into product sales. No one knows just why human
beings respond so well to pictures, but the effects have been

If you use digital stock photos to sell your product or idea,
you will find that your message will be strongly reinforced by
the visual method of presentation. Additionally, business stock
photos create a professional image for your business, which
helps you make a sale even before you start to talk to a
potential buyer. Digital stock photos can help you convey your
unique characteristics and ideals as well.

We all know that a picture is worth a thousand words, and this
is especially true for businesses that use digital stock
photos. Taking out space in a yellow-pages book or using a
business card does not provide much information. You need to
make a big impact in a small space with these methods. Using
stock images in your ads will help you make that impact by
representing your business visually and letting consumers know
about you with just a quick look.

Using digital stock photos to advertise your services or
products guarantees that your customers get a real sense of
what they can expect from your business. Using these kinds of
photos is also a good way to advertise a special event because
there is nothing that can influence the imagination of human
beings like a great photograph.

If you�d like to create your own photos, you should look for a
digital photography class to help you learn the basics. You�ll
need to learn about digital cameras and photo editing software.
Luckily, you can find a lot of information online about these
products. You can also consult with your local retailers for

If you are shopping for a digital camera, make sure you get a
model that does everything you want to do. Look for a camera
that provides great photos and easy docking options that let
you download your priceless photos to a printer or computer
with the greatest efficiency.

About The Author: To learn more about advertising and the use
of media and multimedia in business or on websites visit

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================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by Ken Snodin please visit:

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