Saturday, July 01, 2006

ArticleBlaster How Can I Compete With Stone Evans?


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Please consider this free-reprint article written by:
Vincent Murphy

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Article Title: How Can I Compete With Stone Evans?
Author: Vincent Murphy
Word Count: 441
Article URL:
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: midian2012[at] (replace [at]
with @)

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
Whatever niche you decide to enter online, you are going to
encounter competitors. There may well be unexploited niches on
the Internet, but they are probably not profitable and so not
worth your while getting involved in.

One question that often preys on the mind of Internet
Marketers, particularly new ones, is �How can I compete with
the king of Marketers, Stone Evans. �

You don�t actually have to compete with him, you just need to
stand out from the crowd and compete with everyone else
competing with him! You don�t necessarily need to be the
dominant force in your chosen niche. Quite often being in the
top ten is enough to have a good income without working too

I always teach the people I coach that they need to go out and
find twenty of their major competitors. They need to subscribe
to their newsletters, read their websites and pay attention to
what appears in their inbox.

Why? Because you need to understand what they are doing.

If you can find out what they are doing well, then you can
emulate it and adapt it for your own personal slant on the
niche. You can also, of course, discover what they are not
doing very well.

If you know what they are doing badly, then that is an
opportunity for you to get into the market place. You can even
use it as a selling point in your sales copy that you �do this
better�. Of course, you never mention anyone by name, but you
can make a point of mentioning that particular area and how you
perform so well in it.

It gives you a chance to get a bit of an edge, particularly if
your competitor has put their business on auto-pilot and not
updated their product or website. The Internet is changing
almost daily, and so products very quickly go out of date and
the information in them becomes not as fresh or useful.

You can therefore capitalise on this and make it a selling
point � something that differentiates you from your competitors
and gives your market a powerful reason to buy from you. People
always want the most up to date and newest information and are
often willing to pay a premium price for it.

Understanding your competition gives you a fine handle on the
market, from pricing through to promotion. Scout out your
competition, see what they are doing and decide how you can do
it better � and then enjoy the benefits of your research!

About The Author: Vincent Murphy can help you to find the best
home based business ideas and money making opportunities so you
can work at home/How Can I Compete with Stone Evans? : visit:

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================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by Vincent Murphy please visit:

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