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Joyce Filbeck
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Article Title: You Never Get A Second Chance To Make A First
Author: Joyce Filbeck
Word Count: 665
Article URL: http://www.isnare.
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: joycef1[at]earnonyo
(replace [at] with @)
Easy Publish Tool: http://www.isnare.
Your website is the first thing your new potential customers
will see when they meet you. Are you making a good first
impression? Meeting someone online is little different than
meeting them in person; unfortunately, you have less than a
minute to catch their attention and keep them reading. Do they
like the look of you? Are you saying what your customers are
looking to hear? With the future of your online business riding
on your words, are you making a good impression? Here are five
ideas to have your customers staying longer and remember you
long after the encounter ends:
l. Dress nicely and be well groomed. Have you ever been to a
website you were ready to leave as soon as you got there? Me
too. Chances are things were too loud and too busy. Though
there may have been something there of interest to you, you
weren't likely to have found it. So what is the well groomed
website wearing this season? Not too many loud flashing
headlines. Instead, make sure your site is calm and confident.
Your headline and first paragraph should be a summarization of
the website theme. Who you are, what you're going to share with
them and why you decided to do so. No one likes to read half a
page only to find the site didn't deal with their issue of
interest. No flashing lights, no neon headlines, no blaring
music or boisterous sales pitches blasting away.
2. Have a nice voice; be friendly and pleasant. Have you ever
met someone you initially thought you'd like to get to know...
and then they opened their mouth and you realized you knew all
you needed to? Your website should speak to your readers like a
good friend might. Be easy to understand. Write in short
sentences, with short paragraphs. Each paragraph should have a
theme, stated in the first sentence, and elaborated on through
its conclusion. And though it's so tempting to put some fancy
font on your website, you have no idea what they'll see. Stick
to the basic Arial, Helvetica, & Sans-serif fonts. They're easy
on the eye.
3. Talk just to them; treat them like they're the only one.
Rather than talking to the masses as a whole, write to a
particular person. Picture them in your mind and write as
though you are having a private conversation with them. Be
their friend - This is something for 'you', not just anyone.
They'll feel like you really like them and like they have your
undivided attention. Always use active voice rather than
passive. It will make them feel as though you're speaking
directly to them.
4. Always focus on their needs rather than being pushy and
trying to move too fast. Nobody likes to be around someone who
pushes the relationship too quickly. You want to get to know
someone before you get too emotionally involved. There was a
reason this person chose to visit your website. Address that
need. How can you solve their problem? Don't tell them what you
have; tell them what problem of theirs you can solve. Making a
purchase is an emotional decision. If you move too quickly,
they won't be ready to commit emotionally. Get to know them
5. Give them a reason to stick around or come back. Give them
something they can't get anywhere else. While yes, they
probably won't feel as special at any other website, but on the
off chance the competition is also following these five steps,
give them a free mini-course. Let them see you care about their
success and about them. Show them you value the relationship.
Give them a free report; something to help them reach their
If you follow these guidelines, you'll make a wonderful
impression and your new friends won't want to leave. They'll
appreciate your thoughtfulness and stick around long enough to
see what an absolute 'peach' you really are.
About The Author: Joyce Filbeck. Start your own Home Business,
without all the expense. Visit
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