Friday, June 30, 2006

ArticleBlaster Where To Find Cheap Diamond Rings


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Article Title: Where To Find Cheap Diamond Rings
Author: Hannah Roberts
Word Count: 543
Article URL:
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: kirstenwhittaker[at] (replace
[at] with @)

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
The Beatles once sang that �money can�t buy me love�. And while
the boys may have been right in that regard, the almighty dollar
can certainly buy most anything else. Diamond rings are just one
of the many luxuries that can be afforded by people with money
to burn, and many times these rings can cost thousands of
dollars. But what if you are just a hard working average Joe
who would like to show his sweetheart that she is appreciated?
Not all of us have swelling bank accounts, but thankfully there
are places out there where you can buy wonderful cheap diamond
rings. And when we say cheap we�re referring to price alone, as
these rings are just as beautiful as their higher priced
counterparts. In this article, we�ll show you where to find
cheap diamond rings that look anything but.

The first place to find cheap diamond rings is at your local
mall. The jewelry stores inside most malls are able to offer
diamond rings at a discount for a couple of different reasons.
First, these chain stores are always able to stay in profit
because they experience heavier traffic than a stand alone
store. In addition, they have stores all across the country, as
opposed to Mom & Pop jewelry stores that are in one city or
state. The diamond rings at these stores look almost identical
to the more expensive rings. Only a gemologist would truly be
able to tell them apart.

Another great place to find cheap diamond rings is at huge
retail stores such as Wal-Mart or J.C. Penney�s. These stores
have a wide selection of cheap diamond rings at amazing prices.
Now, keep in mind that many of these rings will be much smaller
than a more expensive ring, but the diamond quality is very
similar. You should definitely have some luck in these types of

If you still haven�t found the right cheap diamond ring, why
not try a pawn shop? Many times pawn shops will have amazing
diamond rings that they are more than willing to sell for a
reduced cost. A lot of these rings look great, and the only
reason they ended up available was because a person no longer
wanted it. In instances like this, their loss can definitely be
your gain.

One last suggestion on where to find cheap diamond rings is
through the internet. The internet has many great web sites
that sell diamond rings at an amazing discount. As long as you
use common sense (make sure the business is reputable, has an
appraisal service, etc.), you may be able to find a great ring
through these online merchants. In addition, auction sites such
as ebay regularly offer cheap diamond rings that can be had for
virtually nothing. Get in the habit of checking out these sites
to see if anything catches your eye.

As you can see, there are plenty of places where you can find
cheap diamond rings. Now that you have a few ideas, why not get
out there and try to find the woman in your life a little
something special? After all, you know she deserves it.

About The Author: Hannah Roberts has an interest in Shopping &
Retail related topics. To access more information on or on, please
click on the links.

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