Tuesday, June 27, 2006

ArticleBlaster Wealthy Affiliate: It Helped To Make Me One!


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Article Title: Wealthy Affiliate: It Helped To Make Me One!
Author: Caiden Felix
Word Count: 341
Article URL: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=62709&ca=Marketing
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: caidenfelix[at]yahoo.co.uk (replace
[at] with @)

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
What Is Wealthy Affiliate All About?

So, what is Wealthy Affiliate all about? The sales page makes a
lot of promises, but doesn't give you much detail at all. So let
me fill you in!

Wealthy Affiliate is a membership site that has been put
together by a couple of young guys called Kyle and Carson. Once
joined, these guys promise to guide you through the jungle at is
Internet Marketing. Well, I joined in the January of this year.
Heres what i found.

Does Wealthy Affiliate Work?

Upon signing up, the resources that i was given access to was
really quite overwhelming. The site is literally a gold mine
for any Internet marketer. You gain immediate access to keyword
list, video tutorials, case studies and an excellent private
forum that's full of successful marketers who openly help you
with any problems that you may have. The Wealthy affiliate
members are the best collection of Internet marketers that i
have ever come across. My favorite part of wealthy affiliate is
without doubt the one on one coaching that Kyle and Carson make
available to their members. This alone is worthy of the $29 p/m
fee. There are so called gurus out there that charge an absolute
fortune for this kind of personal tuition.

So Bottom Line, Do You Recommend Wealthy Affiliate?

I challenge you to find a better site of its type, than Wealthy
Affiliate! No, actually i don't, because if you do go out there
and attempt to find something better, you will waste an awful
lot of time and money and I don't want to be held responsible
for it!

Seriously though, if you are in need of genuine expert help
with your Internet marketing, or maybe you're new on the scene,
then there is not a better place on planet earth to be than
Wealthy Affiliate. You owe it to your self to check it out!

Thanks For Reading,
Caiden Felix

About The Author: Did you find this review on Wealthy Affiliate
useful? You can learn a lot more about how Wealthy Affiliate can
help you by CLICKING HERE

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