Wednesday, June 28, 2006

ArticleBlaster Viral Marketing - A Study Of Successful Sites


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Article Title: Viral Marketing - A Study Of Successful Sites
Author: Gary Huynh
Word Count: 662
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Author's Email Address: digibarter[at] (replace [at]
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================== ARTICLE START ==================
Viral marketing is a concept which allows word of mouth
advertising to spread your message far and wide without ongoing
maintenance and promotion from the originator.

Hotmail is the most famous example I can think of to show you
the power of viral marketing.

Everyone who used their free email service would advertise the
service at the bottom of the each email they sent out.

The types of advertising messages which grow the fastest are
services which advertise themselves when being used�such as the
Hotmail example.

Another good example is a service such as

This is an online address book. When a user signs up, the
service scans the user�s address book in the user�s email
client and emails all those users an invitation to join Plaxo.
This is done with the member�s permission, of course.

Other services which use this technique of viral marketing are
social networking sites such as

When users sign up for a free account, the first thing they see
is a form to invite their friends to the site.

I've deducted a few tips from following high profile and low
profile viral marketing campaigns of many types.

First of all, you can provide incentives for someone to spread
your advertising for you, such as giving them money but just
the incentive of money will not make something truly viral.
Often some of the best viral marketing campaigns are purely
accidental as you'll discover in a later example.

I don�t know if you�ve ever seen the example of a site called
�The Interview With Jesus�.

Here�s the url:

The story of that site, I think is, the owner took a public
domain poem and created a website to host the poem. Word got
out and the thing just exploded with traffic from friends
sending to friends.

So something that is truly viral will spread on its own even
without an incentive attached to it.

Another truly viral example is the story of a New Jersey
teenager who created an online video with his webcam. In the
video, he lip syncs to a popular Romanian pop song called
�Dragostea Din Tei,� which translates �Love Among the Linden

He sent the video to his friends and it became so viral that he
got some television time and his 15 minutes of fame.

To create a truly viral campaign such as the above two examples
is not easy but there are ways to boost your viral marketing
efforts from studying those examples.

First, it must have mass appeal. The wider the audience, the
better. Second, it must advertise itself. Look at the Plaxo and
Hotmail examples.

If you study the examples I've provided of viral marketing,
you'll find that some require a lot of programming knowledge
and others require nothing but an idea that many people enjoy
and like to pass around.

If you're aiming to make money from a successful viral
marketing campaign then you have many options.

1.) Capture email addresses and build a target database of
2.) Place Adsense ads on your site and benefit from the sheer
volume of traffic to your site.
3.) Promote affiliate products.
4.) Sell advertising on your site.
5.) Create a product of your own.
6.) Take donations.

Even if your site is purely altruistic, you will need extra
money to pay for bandwidth charges so the above forms of
monetization will come in handy.

About The Author: Gary Huynh makes his living by creating and
publishing information products to niche markets. Find out how
he can help you create a six figure income doing what you love:

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For more free-reprint articles by Gary Huynh please visit:

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