Thursday, June 01, 2006

ArticleBlaster The Ugly Truth About Internet Marketing Revealed

Free-Reprint Article Written by: Dr Nathalie Fiset
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Article Title:

The Ugly Truth About Internet Marketing Revealed

Article Description:

When you see those announcements about people making tens of
thousands or millions of dollars in a very brief period by
selling on the Internet... you are not being told the whole
story! There are two main misconceptions with respect to these
claims that can be debunked by TRUTH -- and I want to share
them with you.

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1013 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2006-06-01 11:12:00

Written By: Dr Nathalie Fiset
Copyright: 2006
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The Ugly Truth About Internet Marketing Revealed
Copyright � 2006 Dr Nathalie Fiset
A1 Hypnosis

When you see those announcements about people making tens of
thousands or millions of dollars in a very brief period by
selling on the Internet... you are not being told the whole

Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm going to burst your bubble

There are two main misconceptions with respect to these claims
that can be debunked by TRUTH -- and I want to share them with

But, first, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dr.
Nathalie Fiset. I am a family doctor and a certified
hypnotherapist. I am known in the Internet circle as a
"newbie", as I have been developing my web sites and selling my
self-hypnosis recordings online for only a few months.

Now, getting back to these two rock-solid truths that debunk the
huge money-making myths of Internet Marketers...

Truth One:

All the successful Internet Marketers I have met or heard of do
not work just two hours a day like they claim YOU can do. Most of
them (or should I say, most of us) are really a bunch of
workaholics. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but the truth is it
takes hard work to make money online (especially in the

Thus, if you buy the "ready-to-sell niche marketing kits"
hoping to make a million dollars while you sleep, you are in for
a BIG disappointment. The only people getting rich with these
programs are the ones selling them to YOU.

I have heard many times over that this marketer or that marketer
pushed themselves so hard that they jeopardized their health. I
can also tell you, as a medical doctor, who will be next (if they
don't slow down) -- just by looking at the sheer exhaustion on
their faces.

Believe me, I have clicked and bought so many lousy products in
the last year that I know what I'm talking about. It takes an
ingenious person to buy this product, change the headers, change
the content, and then brand it and market it. This is the only
way your product will distinguish itself from the other 1000
people who bought the same "get-rich-in-a-box" kit. This is
also the only way you will not get rejected by search engines as
having redundant content (the same content as on the other 1000
similar sites).

I know because I bought a lot of these – and tried them -- and
never saw any sales -- from any of them.

Truth Two:

The second ugly lie is being told in hopes of impressing you and
making you buy their product. Therefore, many marketers claim
they have made millions of dollars in a very short time -- which
can technically be considered true. However, like Jack Nicholson
said in the movie "Something's Gotta Give", you should know
that this is only THEIR version of the truth.

Let me explain:

If you are looking at Clickbank, Paypal or whatever account is
being used to receive their payments, then YES, this person is
receiving over a million dollars in less than 24 hours. What you
are NOT being told is about all the countless hours it took to
conceive their great product.

John Reese's traffic secrets made over a million dollars in 24
hours on the Internet and should be recorded in the Guinness Book
of World Records for being one, if not the first, to accomplish
this amazing feat... in my humble opinion of course.

What you are not told is that the affiliates got their share of
the pie. Don't get me wrong, John Reese doesn't drive a rusty
1965 Chevy!

The other point is that this great product (hey, there's a FREE
review for you) is the result of countless hours of working and
testing -- and then testing some more. At least, John's product
is complete in itself -- meaning he didn't have to do much more
work once the product was launched.

We cannot say the same about Mike Filsaime's "Butterfly
Marketing", which is another great product by the way. Ever
since Mike made over a million dollars in a few days following
the launch of "Butterfly Marketing", he has been publishing
numerous tutorial videos, updating the software, etc.

Sterling Valentine has been working days and nights on his "JV
Formula" package for three straight months. In his Blog, he
tells us of all the expenses he had to incur to make his dream
come true. I know it took a lot of determination and strength to
see his project through, but he made it.

I can testify that my experience is very similar. Hence, when I
certify instructors to teach my hypnosis for childbirth program,
my bank account fills up with thousands of dollars in a matter of
a few hours. I do know, however, that I have invested countless
hours (8 to 12 hours per day on average) and dollars to create
and market my products -- so the real picture is not really all
that glamorous.

In Conclusion:

If you are interested in Internet Marketing, you really need to
ask yourself if you are truly committed to succeeding. If you
decide to jump on board, realize that hard work and determination
will be required to make it. I told you at the beginning I was
going to tell you the ugly truth... and this is it!

If you honestly thought that there was a miracle product that
would make you rich in a matter of days -- think again!

If you decide you want to enjoy a much simpler way of life --

Do yourself a favor -- stop clicking on all the sites promoting
products that promise instant effortless wealth.

Take your saved money and treat yourself to something nice!

On the other hand... if this article has stirred something within
you -- and made you think, "Who is SHE to tell me to quit. I
never quit. I'm a winner." -- Great! Prosperity and recognition
await you along the way. The good news is that once your rocket
is in motion, it flies much easier!

Dr. Nathalie Fiset is a family doctor and a certified
hypnotherapist. She is also actively working online. Sign-up
to receive her mini-course on how to succeed in business at . She is the creator of numerous
professionally recorded self-hypnosis CDs at She has many web sites on
self-help, better health, Internet Marketing, and more.

P.S. In case you are wondering what happens to all the
people who make it big on the Internet, here it is:
Most of them just keep working!
That's right, you might be shocked to find out that it's
not really about the money. The truth is that most Internet
Marketers are driven by a passion to be the best they can be.
And you can too – my products can help!



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