Thursday, June 01, 2006

ArticleBlaster Type At Home -- Is It Really 'Easy Money'?

Free-Reprint Article Written by: Caiden Felix
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Article Title:

Type At Home -- Is It Really 'Easy Money'?

Article Description:

If you have stumbled across the Type At Home programe on the web
or in a magazine and wondered what it is all about...I am going
to give you a sneak preview...this is my own personal opinion
formed from my own personal experience!

Additional Article Information:

647 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2006-06-01 13:57:00

Written By: Caiden Felix
Copyright: 2006
Contact Email:

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Type At Home -- Is It Really 'Easy Money'?
Copyright � 2006 Caiden Felix

If you have stumbled across the Type At Home programe on the web
or in a magazine and wondered what it is all about...I am going
to give you a sneak preview...this is my own personal opinion
formed from my own personal experience!

I am just a normal guy from a lazy town...I have been using the
methods laid out in Type At Home for a little over 2 years
now...Now...what is important for you to know is I did not learn
these methods for earning money from Type At Home...I wish I
had...I toiled...and struggled for almost a year before I got
this down to the cash generating machine that it is now.....

Now...I and some of my close friends have been earning a
comfortable income from our homes for over a year...but if I
would of had a resource like Type At would have saved
me a lot of grief, blood, sweat and tears!

So what exactly is Type At Home?...and why do I call it a

Sure....Here is exactly what it is:

You can place small 3 line ads on Google and Yahoo for as little
as 5 cents a piece...these little ads get lots of traffic...when
someone clicks on these ads and buys or fills out a form from
your will be paid from $10 to $97 depending on what ad
you have placed.

Is this simple? it always easy? you will
need...what I needed...was a guide for someone to show me which
products were popular, some sample ads, and which companies pay
reliably...this is where Type At Home comes in...they show you
step by step:

- What type of ads to place

- What companies to place them for

- What to say in your ads

- What to do when your ads don't produce

- How to maximize your profits

Type At Home boils the process down to easy steps:

1. Research

2. Place your ads

3. Monitor

4. Get rid of the losers

5. Maximize the winners

6. Repeat

Once you set up one...what I call..."income stream" go
on to the next one.

I call this a secret because for the general really
is...most people don't realize the huge money that companies
will pay you just to send them customers...all you have to do is
send them...from your little 3 line ad.

Now there are people in small circles that know about this
method...but Type At Home is the first to bring this to the
general a way that if a fella has never done any
internet "stuff" that he could understand...You follow?

Now...what I am going to this...I am going to put a link
to Type At Home below...if you are interested give it a click and
check it out for yourself...if you decide you like it...and want
to give it a try...I am going to do a something for you...


After you purchase I will email you 2 great bonus's...the first
is my all time favourite method and is one that if you are really
on a shoe string will help you out a immensely! Its a method that
will give you a stream of income for a little work and depending
on your approach, it will cost you VERY little if anything at
all...all I know is that it has helped quite a few people make
their first money on the web.

The second is an extended version of the first, for those of you
that wish to take it to the next level!

If you click on the link below and decide it's not for
you...that's cool...I understand...just keep it in the back of
your mind...if you're ever in a pinch.

I truly...want to thank you for reading this far and I hope that
I was of some is the link:

Thanks For Looking

Caiden Felix

Caiden Felix is a part time affiliate marketer currently earning
as much online as he does at his full time job. Its taken him
3 years to get to where he is today, and he fully hopes to "go
fulltime" within the next 12 months........with a bit of luck!
Click here to learn more:



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