Tuesday, June 27, 2006

ArticleBlaster The Simple, Easy to Implement Marketing Plan That Works

Free-Reprint Article Written by: Judy Murdoch
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Article Title:

The Simple, Easy to Implement Marketing Plan That Works

Article Description:

How do I develop a marketing program that I (the small business
owner) can implement within my time and budget constraints?

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751 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2006-06-27 10:24:00

Written By: Judy Murdoch
Copyright: 2006
Contact Email: mailto:judy@judymurdoch.com

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The Simple, Easy to Implement Marketing Plan That Works
Copyright � 2006 Judy Murdoch
Highly Contagious Marketing

A few weeks ago, I asked a group of small business owners "What
are the marketing issues that you would most like some help
with?" One issue that drew a lot of discussion was "How do I
develop a marketing program that I (the small business owner) can
implement within my time and budget constraints?"

Although the people I spoke with didn't use the word "program"
(they used words like "process," "system," and "plan") What
they were asking for was a way to select one or two marketing
activities that they could do in a consistent, systematic way in
order to attract more customers.

A number of the small business owners I spoke with had previously
worked for large companies or organizations; organizations that
had well-developed marketing planning processes and practices
already in place. They thought their marketing plans should
resemble those of their former employers...just scaled down.

Forget it. If you're a solopreneur or own a very small business
(less than $500,000 annually), you do not own a "small, big
company." You own a small business and the practices that work
for a large business will not work for you: even scaled way

Don't make things more complicated for yourself than necessary.
Following is a simple five-step marketing plan that is easy to
implement and best of all--it works!

1. Pick one way to reach out to your customers and your
prospective customers.

By "way" I mean a marketing activity such as: presenting to
professional and service organizations, submitting articles to
print and online magazines, writing a newsletter or ezine,
creating a referral program, and so on.

There are hundreds of activities you can employ. The trick is to
choose ONE that you genuinely enjoy doing. If you don't enjoy
the activity, this approach won't work.

2. Commit to mastering the one activity you chose in step 1 for a
period of three to six months. Mastering means not only that you
have knowledge and skills but that you can adapt them to many
different situations.

3. Commit to fully leveraging this activity to make the very most
of every contact. Ways to more fully leverage an activity can

-- Put your contact information on the signature that goes out
with your email. Include your tagline, slogan, or other short
phrases that you want people to associate with you.

-- If you send a periodic newsletter or ezine and include an
article or promotion that requests action on the part of the
reader (for example, "call me for more information") tell your
reader how to get in touch. For example, "call me at
202-556-1800" or "send an email to moreinfo@cutyourcosts.com

-- Follow-up, follow-up, follow-up. You'll stand out in the eyes
of others by sending a hand-written thank-you note, emailing an
article that might be of interest, sending a subscription
invitation or an invitation to your next presentation.

4. Stick to it for three- to six-months. Why 3 - 6 months?
Because the effects of marketing are cumulative. It typically
takes 7 or more impressions to establish the familiarity and
credibility necessary for people to make a first time purchase.

Step 4 can be incredibly challenging for entrepreneurs who are
typically doing what they do because they like being able to
quickly respond to opportunities. Still, 3-6 months isn't a very
long time in the context of how we, as human beings, develop
trusting relationships. Your investment in time and energy will
more than pay off in the flow of customers that come as a

5. Create a system so that the activity becomes relatively
automated. Once you are clear with what works and what doesn't
work, consider automating or outsourcing the activity. For
example, broadcast services allow you to create auto-responders,
periodic mailings, and manage subscriptions lists. You can write
(or have someone else write) content and it will be sent
automatically to your audience. Or outsource the activity by
hiring a virtual assistant to schedule speaking engagements,
handle follow-up, and maintain your website.

Once you've systematized an activity, you can add a new activity
to your marketing plan. For example, once you have mastered
networking events, you can put a customer referral program in

The point is to add activities slowly so that you're not
overwhelmed by what to do when and that you can take advantage of
the inevitable synergies that occur (in other words, your
activities should enhance and reinforce each other -- your
website should support your speaking engagements and vice-versa).

Judy Murdoch helps small business owners create low-cost,
effective marketing campaigns using word-of-mouth referrals,
guerrilla marketing activities, and selected strategic alliances.
To download a free copy of the workbook, "Where Does it Hurt?
Marketing Solutions to the problems that Drive Your Customers
Crazy!" go to http://www.judymurdoch.com/workbook.htm
You can contact Judy at 303-475-2015 or judy@judymurdoch.com


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