Friday, June 23, 2006

ArticleBlaster Need MLM Training? Get A Coach!


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Article Title: Need MLM Training? Get A Coach!
Author: Sam Weston
Word Count: 612
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Author's Email Address: healthimage[at] (replace [at]
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================== ARTICLE START ==================
Many people are still saddled with antiquated MLM training and
ideas of how the old multilevel companies were run in the 60�s
and 70�s. Remember that we are already in the new millennium,

And the trainings in MLM that we have today had already grown
pass those times.

Some of the more successful marketers have the fortune to have
undergone the proper MLM training to make them more profitable
than others. What is the one secret they have learned in MLM

The secret is choosing a team with an experienced coach who
will teach, guide and motivate you towards success.

Of course there are other factors to consider such as the
financial backing of the company, timing, the compensation plan
and marketing a consumable product. But if you are not properly
trained and motivated during those early months you are almost
doomed to failure.

But think about it. Every professional businessperson or
athlete has a coach to aid in the training. Why should it be
different in MLM marketing?

In MLM marketing, you can start your business for less than
$500 and literally choose the coach or leader who will be
training you. Of course this will involve doing a little
background check on the team leader you choose to work with.
But in the end, it will be a time worth spending.

Here are a few pointers that will help you when seeking out the
�correct coach� who will assist you in your MLM training.

1. Make sure that he or she has a proven track record.

A gifted leader will also prove his or her worth in the results
produced. Generally speaking, you will not rise higher than your
leader, so know how high you want to reach and find a coach who
can get you there.

2. Go with someone who has been training in MLM for many years.

You want a leader who will be like the northern star; bright
and steady. Those who are
successful network marketers are people who stay for the long
haul. Many people give up too quickly and never reap the

Choose a leader who has experienced some bumps in MLM and can
now be selective in choosing a company that is most likely to
remain out of the MLM graveyard.

3. Find someone who knows how to market.

Network marketing is just that: marketing through networking.
An essential part of the equation therefore is the effective
marketing of your business.

Marketing can eat up a small budget very quickly. Therefore,
you must learn from the MLM training works from what does not
work so that you can use your advertising dollars most

The name of the game is maximum returns for your money.
Leverage is the whole idea behind network marketing. This
translates into small effort and great gain.

Find someone who can train you on how to use MLM tools such as
teleconferencing, voicemail, direct mail, the Internet and
broadcast media. This is a business so you have to treat it
like one.

4. Find someone who continuously studies the industry.

Anyone who claims to be a professional will subscribe to
magazines in his area of expertise, attend seminars to keep
abreast of what�s happening and keep his MLM training pulse on
the industry.

Choose wisely. The right opportunity and company may be the
vehicle to your success but an effective MLM training coach is
like gas in your tank.

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