Tuesday, June 20, 2006

ArticleBlaster Marketing Tips - On A Budget


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Article Title: Marketing Tips - On A Budget
Author: Diana Ennen
Word Count: 491
Article URL: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=61283&ca=Marketing
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: diana[at]virtualwordpublishing.com
(replace [at] with @)

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
I don�t know about you, but when I started my business and even
today with a son in college and two kids at home who love to
shop as much as mom, I don�t have a lot of money to spend on
marketing. I need to make sure that every penny I spend is
spent wisely, very wisely. So when I market my business, I need
to make sure that I�m creative and use all the tools I have
available that don�t cost money. Here are some tips that I have
found that worked for me.

Radio/Media - It�s not that hard. Have a plan of action and
stick to it. Each week decide to send out so many press
releases, contacts to radio stations, local media, etc. Look to
woman�s networks, work-at-home networks, and others who actively
look for guests.

Stay in tune with what�s currently happening and see if it�s
something that you can share about. I�ve found that having an
angle works. Once you have that angle write and pitch your
angle hard.

Also consider starting your own radio show. Jill Hart and I do
a weekly podcast and it�s a great way to network. Check it out
sometime at http://www.cwahm.com.

Forums / Listserves - Being active in forums and listserves is
so beneficial to your business. You establish yourself as an
expert and also you gain friendships and alliances with others.
Plus, it�s a great way to promote your business. Naturally you
never want to blatantly advertise your business, but when you
answer questions and show your expertise, people listen. I know
I�ve found many a subcontractor this way. Take advantage of
these. Remember you also establish those friendships that can
last a lifetime. And then when you get the opportunity to meet
them in person, you already have a bond.

Writing Articles - Submitting articles is an excellent
marketing tool and I highly recommend it. Make sure you submit
to your targeted market. Write on topics that you are familiar.
Don�t just write for publicity --Give something back. Make sure
that your topic and information is of value. Write articles
using �The Top 5 or 10� or �The Best 5 Ways To Do Something.�
Think about the magazines you buy at the stores, don�t you
normally gravitate to those articles. I know I do. Get those
keywords in the title. That�s where they count.

Also, plan, plan, plan. What are you going to do today that is
going to gain recognition for your business?

Marketing a business doesn�t have to be expensive if you just
remember to network and use all the tools available to you. In
fact, it can be fun as you get to meet new people and develop
new ways to sell you and your business.

About The Author: Diana Ennen, author of Virtual Assistant: The
Series, Become a Highly Successful Sought After VA and
accompanying Workbook, etc., and President of Virtual Word
Publishing http://www.virtualwordpublishing.com. Also,
publisher of the fiction thriller, Sledgehammer,

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