Saturday, June 24, 2006

ArticleBlaster If I Were Starting A Network Marketing Company, Continued


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Article Title: If I Were Starting A Network Marketing Company,
Author: Kim Klaver
Word Count: 955
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================== ARTICLE START ==================
"If I were starting a Network Marketing company, I would say,
what's a different group of people that want to hear a story
about how to succeed with network selling? What words, phrases
and images do I use to help them understand what it is I have
to offer?" (posed by Seth Godin)

People in the new group I'm proposing - amateurs and hobbyists
doing network selling - have a different worldview about other
practices too.

For years we've been admonished to "Treat it like a business."
That's how members of the existing group explain the 95% drop
out rate: "People don't treat it like a business, (i.e. take it
seriously), and that's why they don't make money."

Maybe too many people don't like what they have to do so they
don't do it seriously. Not a problem for our amateurs.

And, if you listen to people talk today about why they want a
business of their own, and it's a lot of them, the money's not
what they seek first, anyway.

"Two-thirds of Americans have entrepreneurial aspirations..."
according to a recent Yahoo poll. Here are three things they
learned about these folks:

1. Money is not the primary motivation for aspiring
entrepreneurs -- only 3 percent (half of the 6 percent in 2005)
said getting rich was the main reason they wanted to start a

2. Doing work that they really love was the main reason for
launching a business.

3. Second most popular reason: "To be my own boss."

Sounds like the worldview of our new group of amateurs and
hobbyists to me. Think?

The pitches from the existing NM group are about the money and
what that can do for you. And that's ok because money first is
their worldview, their thing. And there's room and people for
both groups.

Oh - did you notice the second most popular reason people
aspire to be an entrepreneur - "to be my own boss"?

This means that the widespread NM practice of teaching
duplication, i.e. imposing someone else's painting by the
numbers methods and systems onto the new member - well that
isn't part of what the new group will do, either. (No loss
here, given the results it seems to have gotten.)

A new story for a new group about how to succeed with network

1. Our new imaginary network marketing company will seek out
enthusiasts for the things the founders are also most devoted
to. Say that's doing everything they can to maintain and max
out their own health, longevity, energy and appearance. (Think
Ray Kurzweil.) And within that, mini groups will form, a la the
longtail concept. They've created a state of the art little

2. The product sales to aficionados who know and prize the
ingredients and love talking about how it helps them will
always outweigh any need to subscribe newcomers (i.e. new

3. No trying to change anyone's worldview. Mission is to find
those with a similar one already.

My imaginary network selling company

A small group starts a network selling company because they're
health and longevity buffs (think Ray Kurzweil's Fantastic

These folks especially love knowing that they're eating the
right stuff, organic of course, and they stand ready to make up
for any possible shortcomings in the food they eat, because of
deficiencies in the soil, toxins from water runoff from
neighboring non-organic farms that spray chemicals, etc.

So being health (mental and body) aficionados, they spend any
free time learning about which nutrients do most to maintain
health, energy and looks, even as the years go by. They are the
envy of most people 20 years their junior in energy and

The kinds of network sellers in our new group have
conversations like these about the product they love madly -
they've bought the story and love it because it's who they are:

"I really like being on regular dosage. It is perfect for my
body. I'll take an extra one if I fly on a plane to keep a high
dose of antioxidants floating around in my body while I am
breathing airplane air. I love the friendly bacteria and all
the goodies like lutein and indole-3-carbinol...I market them
because I love them."

"Oh yes, me too. Greens are my favorite because I'm getting so
many veggies I wouldn't normally prepare, but know are good for
me. And I couldn't live without the acidophilus, bifidus and
inulin which have eliminated [blah blah blah] which has plagued
me all my life...but no more!"

"Yes., and even if I do find myself slowing down I've found
that it's a real message from my body to take a break. They
make me aware of how my body feels and what it needs."

These are the things that matter to the members of the new
group, so that's what they talk about. For them, the commitment
to their own health is just like talking about the stuff geeks
talk about all hours of the day and night - like lutein and

Who'd know or care about such stuff and get in a good mood
talking about it, except devotees of the thing?

That's the new group so far, and the members that I'd want if I
were starting a network marketing company for people with this
worldview. What about you?

("New group" refers back to the original question at the
beginning of this and the previous post.)

About The Author: Kim Klaver is Harvard & Stanford educated.
Her 20 years experience in network marketing have resulted in a
popular blog,, a podcast, and a giant resource site, which features hundreds of stories,
tips, books and CD programs for those who want to learn the art
of network marketing.

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