Monday, June 26, 2006

ArticleBlaster How To Save Money On Google�s Adwords


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Article Title: How To Save Money On Google�s Adwords
Author: Mike Rodgers
Word Count: 566
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================== ARTICLE START ==================
Over the years I have had many accounts with Adwords, spending
a small fortune with the Adwords service. So naturally I have
picked up many cost saving tricks. I am aware that most people
feel Adwords costs too much and delivers little results, this
is completely untrue. Adwords is a service that is here to help
us, so I have written this article to help web developers make
the most out of the service.

1) Set your currency,
First and foremost, select the currency of which you locally
trade in. You may think its wise to start your Adwords account
in USD, but if you do not live in the USA you may get a shock
when you find how much you have been charged.

2) Use negative keywords,
You are using the Adwords service to generate website traffic,
so obviously you want the right traffic to generate revenue.
Start by using negative keywords for people whom you do not
want to click on your advert, the best place to start is the
keyword �free�. As I doubt you want to waste money on traffic
that will not generate revenue.

3) Make a strict daily budget
Make sure you have set out a daily budget, Adwords generally
advise a way out of proportion budget. After all most new
Adwords customers have no idea how effective the advertising
will be. Do not start off with a bang, your pocket will feel

Just as important as the budget, be careful with the CPC rate.
I advise you to start with a low number, each click soon adds
up very quickly. I actually found that by lowering my CPC rate
by 50% I doubled my visitor count�

4) Check those clicks!
One of the most talked about problem with Adwords is, click
fraud. There are two main types of click fraud: the first is
when any one starts clicking away at your advertisements trying
to waste your money. It is very hard to stop this kind of fraud,
if you are a victim stop your ads and file a report to Google

The second main issue is now that google allows Web Developers
to earn money off their websites by placing ads (Adsense) .some
Web Developers try to cheat the system by clicking on their ads
as much as possible. The best way to stop this kind of fraud is
check your page log, Adwords allow you to block out websites
that you do
not want your advert to be placed on.

Adwords does not have many protections against Click fraud,
although they do disable Adsense accounts who cheat. Google are
very hesitant to refund the victims, if at all. Reports tell
many organisations are actually suing Google to get their money
back, so be careful.

In this article I have illustrated some of the most beneficial
ways to save money when advertising with Adwords. My main
advice to you is, do not go crazy with your spending. You may
not see the results you are after, it does take a wile to get
to know Adwords. I have had many successful ad campaigns using
the Adwords network. However I do advise to look around, with
the ever growing popularity of MSN search you may actually find
it much more affordable.

About The Author: Mike Rodgers Customer Relations Private
Postal Services To discuss
online issues please visit:

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================== ARTICLE END ==================

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