Sunday, June 25, 2006

ArticleBlaster Getting Results With Viral Marketing


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Please consider this free-reprint article written by:
Colin P

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Article Title: Getting Results With Viral Marketing
Author: Colin P
Word Count: 412
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Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: cubby13[at] (replace [at]
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================== ARTICLE START ==================
Are you looking to find out how so many big companies are so
successful? It�s a mystery to many people, but making your
business what you want it to be might rely on this.

In order to remain successful on the internet, creativity is
necessary. Since so much competition is going on, you should be
on the cutting edge of attracting traffic to your site. Even if
you�ve got an awesome product or a great web site, people won�t
even know you exist if they can�t find your site. Thus you won�t
make lots of profit. Your work could go to waste.

There are hundreds of techniques used in e-marketing. One of
these is called Viral Marketing. Viral might sound unpleasant,
but you can imagine the virus in this case to be your product.
It spreads like a virus� fairly soon, everyone has heard of it
or experienced it.

Viral advertising raises the general population�s awareness of
your company. Companies rely on the theory that if people find
the web site pleasurable enough, they will pass it on for their
friends and family to see. The consumer promotes the site for
you, and it is completely free. All it takes is a cool game, a
funny video, story, etc... Any point at which your product is
mentioned can be considered good publicity.

Viral trafficking has become a widely accepted form of
advertising because of how cheap it is. Instead of being spam
mail, it relies on the individuals to send the product on
themselves. If you receive an email from someone you know,
you�re not likely do delete it. Some companies offer incentives
for passing on the viral marketing message. It�s a small price
to pay for having it sent to thousands of people.

The biggest perk perhaps to viral marketing is the amount of
familiarity your site receives. You begin to see lots of
traffic that are all potential customers. With a bit of
creativity, you can reach a huge number of people and let them
know your site exists.

Many sites are getting beginning to see the effectiveness of
viral trafficking. You can�t afford not to use it. If you use
it alongside SEO techniques, your web site could be
unstoppable! Once you generate a buzz or hype about your site,
many people will visit just out of curiosity.

About The Author: For more information on Viral Marketing,

Please use the HTML version of this article at:
================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by Colin P please visit:

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