Saturday, June 24, 2006

ArticleBlaster Follow Up To Get Quality Event Feedback


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My Booking Manager

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Article Title: Follow Up To Get Quality Event Feedback
Author: My Booking Manager
Word Count: 525
Article URL:
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: chrish[at] (replace [at]
with @)

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
"Well, how did it go?" asked the CEO as he wandered past
Siobhan's desk on his weekly tour of the offices. He was
referring to the conference Siobhan had organized and run to
involve their industry in standardization guidelines. Although
her first impression was that the conference was a real
success, she knew that she only had a small proportion of the
total feedback. "I'm still in the middle of collecting feedback
data", admitted Siobhan, "but the initial data looks more
positive than we hoped. I'll have the full results at next
week's review meeting."

Seminars, roadshows or workshops are held for a very specific
reason and they will belong in one of the following categories:

� To generate sales opportunities for your products or services

� To spread information or increase productivity throughout an

� To raise general awareness about a topic

� To gain support for a change (political, legal, social or

It may be tempting, once the event is over, to sit back and
wait for a reaction but, because you have invested time,
emotion and money into developing and running an event, you
ought to be pro-active in testing its effectiveness. Events are
like all other products, some do everything they were expected
to do whereas others fall short and need to be improved either
by modification or enhanced design, if they are to be repeated.

With an event you cannot expect to satisfy everyone 100%, but
you can get close by understanding what worked and what did
not. As you will see, not everyone is prepared to give their
true opinion during or directly after the event and some degree
of post-event follow-up will be necessary to draw a balanced
picture of audience perception.

Because your delegates have different learning styles, you will
not have seen a complete and considered reaction from all of
them during your event.

Delegates, whatever their background, can be pigeon-holed into
4 categories:

� Activists

� Pragmatists

� Theorists


� Reflectors

The activists and pragmatists are most likely to have responded
immediately to the information or activities that you provided
as they enjoy interaction. Activists and pragmatists, by
nature, have a strong tendency to engage and take on board new
ideas. Pragmatists will test the realism of the new idea
whereas activists just enjoy the thrill of the new.

Theorists, as you might expect, like to take time to break
ideas down and think things through step-by-step. Reflectors
prefer to gather information, stand back and consider things
from different perspectives. Both of these learning types may
need a little more time and space to assimilate what has been
said and would probably respond well to a follow-up process.

Siobhan was right to hold back on boasting about her success.
Some of the later feedback demonstrated that there were real
practical problems that would take time and money to overcome.
These had only surfaced once the delegates had returned to base
to analyze the in-depth business implications for themselves.

About The Author: Published by My Booking Manager. A
convenient, professional, time saving and cost effective way to
accept registrations, bookings and payments for your next
seminar, workshop, trade display or membership event Obtain
your FREE report "20 Steps To Running Successful Seminars
Roadshows Workshops And Events Report" at

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================== ARTICLE END ==================

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