Tuesday, June 27, 2006

ArticleBlaster Do You Really Know Why You Are Submitting Your Articles To Online Article Directories?


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James Opiko

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Article Title: Do You Really Know Why You Are Submitting Your
Articles To Online Article Directories?
Author: James Opiko
Word Count: 888
Article URL: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=62631&ca=Marketing
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: affiliates[at]afroarticles.com (replace
[at] with @)

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
Article submission is perhaps one of the best ways to leverage
your products and services on the Internet....that is, if done
correctly, but like Link Exchange, I think it's being abused.

That said, I don't think Article Marketing is about to die.
It's alive and strong!

I have noticed that a lot of authors are submitting articles
for the wrong reasons. Authors are submitting 'half baked'
articles fueled by a 'PageRank' and 'BackLink' craze, something
I find very fruitless. Like in link exchange, the search engines
have wisened up and are getting better at weeding out 'spam'.

It�s imperative that you submit �quality� articles. A badly
written article may generate you that �backlink� that you so
much desire, but the real purpose of submitting your article to
an article marketing directory is to gain publishers who will
willingly publish your articles on their websites, blogs and
newsletters; that�s where the real traffic comes from.
Publishers should 'want' to publish your article, hence the
importance of good writing.

Submitting numerous short (less than 500 words), poorly and
haphazardly written articles will do you no good. Also
submitting the same article over and over with a few
modifications is not acceptable; it�s duplicate content and
defeats the purpose of a directory. An author needs to sit
back, choose a good topic and come up with a article that is an
effective marketing tool, an article that captivates the reader
and makes him or her want to publish it, print and/or forward
it to their friends.

Anything less is essentially a waste of time!

How many times have you seen a website with thousands of
backlinks but with no �PageRank� or worse still does not
feature in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) at all. Too
many, I must say. Too many article directories contain tons of
'garbage',...if 'numbers' is the game, then why do some of
these directories with tens of thousands of articles have very
low PageRank or in numerous instances none at all?

Quality rules!

As an author, your number one priority when writing an article
is �quality and uniqueness�. You must write powerfully and with
purpose. Your writing must be attractive and persuasive,
otherwise it�s not worth the trouble.

My suggestion: Write a few 'very good articles' and submit them
to carefully selected article directories. Make sure it's a well
written and useful article....something site owners will want to
publish in their blog, website or ezine.

As I post post my own articles to directories, I always find
myself refining the article. This may or may not have any
direct benefit but I strongly believe it's part and parcel of
the quality control process.

Personally, I don't worry about PageRank or BackLinks, I also
do not force feed my directory and I read each and every
article that is submitted to the directory.

Write good articles and let it come to you naturally....the
search engines will reward you as bloggers and webmasters post
your articles on their sites, something they will only do if
your writing is stimulating and relevant.

Look at your article as 'Your Product' or 'Your Service'. A
service or product that is not 'choreographed' properly will
almost always be rejected. If you are having trouble writing,
make time and study what the topnotch writers are doing. The
Internet is 'pregnant' with excellent writers.

As an owner of an Article Directory, I demand from my authors
that they make a serious attempt at writing quality articles.
For example, I now do not accept anything less than 500 words
in length...debatable yes, but shorter articles are usually
badly written.

In summary, here are a few salient points to note:

1. Plan, be clear, be original, structured, substantive and

2. Your writing must be grammatically and syntactically
correct. Spelling mistakes are a no-no! Proof read your

3. Your article(s) should be at least 500 words long.

4. There are plenty of writing samples and guides all over the
internet. Look for them and use them. Visit article directories
and read the articles within. Nobody is asking you to re-invent
the 'writing wheel', but it's of utmost importance that you
keep abreast with what the top authors are doing.

5. Get feedback from your friends and colleagues. Two or more
heads have always been better than one.

6. Write on topics that mean something to you - passion breeds

7. Finally if writing is too laborious for you, hire a Ghost
Writer and let him/her express your thoughts for you.

Article marketing should be a win-win situation for directory
owners and authors, therefore responsible directory owners
should guide their authors and help them improve their writing;
such as digging up information for them and emailing it to them
in the form of a weekly newsletter, a blog or a forum.

Additionally, directory owners should engage their authors in
meaningful discussions on article and general marketing, as it
is part and parcel of the cut throat Internet Marketing Game, a
science that must be taken seriously.

About The Author: James Opiko owns and runs
http://AfroArticles.com, an Article Marketing Directory:
http://www.Afroarticles.com . He posts regularly at his Article
and General Marketing blog located here:
http://www.afroarticles.com/blog/wordpress/ .

Please use the HTML version of this article at:
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For more free-reprint articles by James Opiko please visit:

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