Tuesday, June 27, 2006

ArticleBlaster Aida And Dagmar - Models For An Advertising Agency


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Article Title: Aida And Dagmar - Models For An Advertising
Author: Keith George
Word Count: 588
Article URL: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=62141&ca=Marketing
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: donbruce[at]shaw.ca (replace [at] with

Easy Publish Tool: http://www.isnare.com/html.php?aid=62141

================== ARTICLE START ==================
An ad agency or advertising agency is a business or service
dedicated to planning, handling and creating advertising for
clients. These agencies are independent of clients and provide
their skills and views to sell client�s services or products.

Advertising agencies can also manage branding strategies,
marketing and sales promotions for its clients.

For an advertising agency, it is very important to realize that
they can increase sales with their effort. Truly speaking,
advertising agencies are minds working on the other side of the
internet to increase sales. For a person working as an
advertising agent, it is very important to know about the
buyer�s psychology.

Those who are working in an advertising agency should know
about the various thought processes that go in the mind of a
reader or a viewer, a potential buyer. This will definitely
help to build your business better.

There are ample of theories to explain the process that goes in
the buyer�s mind when he/she goes to purchase anything.

The process is not the same for each buyer and it is

One of the popular features followed by ad agencies is AIDA.
AIDA is a acronym stands for:

A � Attention

I � Interest

D � Desire

A � Action

The AIDA model states that advertising agency should know how
to draw attention of a buyer to get the customer interested by
exhibiting its advantages, benefits and features. Interest is
followed by desire. It is advertising agency�s duty to create a
desire in a buyer to buy a specific product. All three steps of
the AIDA policy will help you to stimulate the action towards
the purchase of a product. AIDA theory guides and leads you to
build a better advertising business. BIG B�s of advertising
world have followed AIDA to generate good advertisement

Another model called DAGMAR has now increasingly become more
popular and comprehensive than AIDA. DAGMAR steps are more
defined and easy to apply.

Term DAGMAR is an acronym for Defining Advertising Goals for
Measured Advertising Results. According to DAGMAR, a sale must
carry a potential customer through four stages:

I. Awareness

II. Comprehension

III. Conviction

IV. Action

Suppose you are having a service or product and your customer
knows nothing about the product.
As your client is unaware of the product, the first step is to
make him aware of your product by posting advertisement
regarding your product on respective websites.

Comprehension is the second step of DAGMAR. Try to know the
answers to these following questions.
a)What is your product about?
b)What are product�s potential features and benefits of
c)What will your customer get from your product? And how?

Answers to all these questions will help you to get a potential

Next stage is conviction and this is very important. Convince
your customer by telling him the benefits of your product.
After convincing, your next step starts i.e. action, which is
not controlled by you. You have to depend on the customer.
However, your previous actions will have a major role to play.

If you have been able to convince, the customer ad have
answered him satisfactorily and then you will definitely be the
winner of the day.

About The Author: Keith George always writes about valuable
news & reviews. A related resource is http://ads-agencies.info/
Further information can be found at http://the-new-economy.info/

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================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by Keith George please visit:

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