Sunday, May 14, 2006

ArticleBlaster Sports Logos As Marketing Tools


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Article Title: Sports Logos As Marketing Tools
Author: Daniel Smith
Word Count: 421
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Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: ergo_items[at] (replace [at]
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Professional sports teams as well as colleges and universities
use their respective logos as a way of marketing their team or
institution to the rest of the world. These marketing efforts
take place in a number of different ways, and have been proven
effective time and time again. Just a few of the ways that
sports logos are used for marketing purposes are listed below.

1. Both professional organizations and colleges grant licensing
rights to anybody that wants to use their name or logo on
anything that they want to sell. This is most commonly done in
the clothing industry. This is an indirect, cost and time
efficient way of marketing for these organizations. By doing
this they get exposure to millions of different people without
ever having to do any work at all.

2. Sports logos are also used in more traditional marketing
efforts. Organizations do this because the public will
recognize the logo, and then look deeper at what is being
advertised. This is common in newspapers as well as billboards.
How many times have you seen a billboard for your favorite
professional sports team that has a huge logo on it? The teams
do this so that passer bys will put two and two together and
keep the team in mind. This can help to drive ticket sales,

3. Whenever a team knows that they are going to be competing on
television they will make sure that their logo is placed all
over the place. This is particularly true when it comes to
college athletics. This is a great way for a college or
university to get exposure to the national media, as well as
interested students or athletes.

The use of a logo is one of the best ways to draw in customers,
and keep their attention. In addition, these logos are also a
great way to keep a team fresh in the buyers mind. This can be
an important aspect if the team if looking to sell something.
This includes items such as team merchandise or tickets.

They are banking on the fact that the buyer will remember the
logo, and then buy from their organization when the situation

Logos have been proven as an effective and successful marketing
tool in the sports industry for many years. It is safe to say
that teams are always looking for a new and better way to get
their logo in front of as many people as possible

About The Author: Daniel Smith writes about Sports logos and
Sports Marketing

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