Tuesday, May 23, 2006

ArticleBlaster How You Can Get Your SEO Articles On The Web


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Article Title: How You Can Get Your SEO Articles On The Web
Author: Ellen Burnett
Word Count: 666
Article URL: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=54573&ca=Marketing
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: granvol[at]clara.co.uk (replace [at]
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================== ARTICLE START ==================
If you are looking for easy home e-business ideas, and are a
good writer, you might want to consider selling your SEO
articles to various websites. There are several ways you can go
about doing this, depending on how much time you have to devote
to the matter. While SEO articles might be challenging for some
writers, they typically don�t take a long time to write and can
really help bring traffic to websites who need the extra help.
Take a look at these methods of getting your articles on the
web to help you get started.

A Smarter E-Business Directory

One way you can get your SEO articles on the web is through an
e-business directory of articles. You can create your own
article directory and allow people to purchase your articles
straight off of your site. You will need to be sure you don�t
list your entire articles on your site, only blurbs of the
content, because some people will just cut and paste your
content, without asking or paying for it. You would be
surprised at how many web operators would be interested. This
is an easy way to set up your own e-business �article shop�.

In addition, if you would prefer not to deal with the directory
yourself, you can always find a directory that already exists
and submit your articles to it. Many article directories will
allow you to submit articles and in turn, if they are bought,
you will get paid. Of course, some are free and others charge a
fee when an item is purchased. Just be sure you completely
understand the aspects of the deal before committing.

Start E-Business

If you would rather take a different approach to the whole
thing, you might want to consider trying to start your own
e-business. You can create a simple website and start selling
your product right away. Your product being your articles that
is. Having your own website with your article synopsis on it
will benefit you in several ways.

First, it will of course give your potential customers ideas of
what you can offer them. They will be able to go through your
articles and pick and choose those they like for their website.
When you offer a summary, they will know what to expect and they
will be more satisfied overall. In addition, having these
summaries on your site will give your site increased attention
because you will be targeted by the search engines for your
extensive lists and summaries of keywords. When someone looks
for a keyword you have an article on, your site might pop up
for their consideration.

Benefits Of SEO Article Home E-Business

Obviously, you can really make a significant salary selling
your SEO articles online. You can not only make a good salary
however, but you can also benefit in other ways. For one, being
your own boss is a great thing and you will be able to have the
flexibility you have always dreamed about. You will be able to
watch your children grow up, never missing a single school
program or sports game. You will be able to spend more time
with your spouse and take family vacations. Lastly, you will be
able to allow time to focus on yourself. Once you get your
e-business of selling SEO articles up and running you will find
that your business will basically run itself, which is always
nice for a business owner.

So, if you are a writer and are looking for a way to start your
own home e-business, you really should consider selling your own
SEO articles. Websites will benefit because by using your
articles they will bring more people to their website and see
more products and services. And you will benefit because you
will be able to make a living doing what you love.

Copyright 2006 Ellen Burnett

About The Author: Ellen Burnett - I own
http://www.YouCanWorkSmarter.com,it offers home e-businesses
setup. Sign up for my e-business tips & ideas. Use my blog
articles to cure e-business problems.

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