Friday, May 26, 2006

ArticleBlaster How To Use Online PR To Boost Your Search Engine Rankings


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Article Title: How To Use Online PR To Boost Your Search Engine
Author: WebEvents
Word Count: 328
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Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address:
rebecca.wilkinson[at] (replace [at] with @)

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
If you are looking for new ways to boost your search engine
rankings, you would be wise to consider the new technique of
online article distribution. Below we take a closer look at
Online PR and what it could mean for your company.

If you have heard a lot of talk and wondered what online PR is
all about, this article is well worth a read. Not only will you
understand exactly what Online PR involves but you will also see
the potential gain for your corporate site and business as a
whole which Online PR can bring.

So, what is Online PR? Online PR, or web article distribution
is a way of distributing PR type articles relating to your
company�s main interests to a variety of article directory
websites. These directories then choose to put your article on
their site and it then acts as an effective form of PR for your
business. As a form of viral marketing web article distribution
can work exceptionally well, delivering similar results online
as you would except from the offline version: word-of-mouth.

So, what benefits is your company likely to experience as a
direct result of Online PR? The most influential benefiting
factor is the likely increase in your website search engine
rankings. This is brought about because the article links
directly back to your corporate site, providing one of those
all essential inbound links, which the likes of Google actively
seek when ranking websites. Other benefits include:

An Increase in Site Visitors � As your web presence grows so
will the number of web-users arriving at your site.

Online Brand Boost � As the author of the article, your company
will experience a significant increase in online brand awareness
amongst web-users.

Widen your Prospective Customer Base � Online PR increases the
likelihood of your targeted audience reaching your website
which in turn, should lead to an increase in sales.

About The Author: WebEvents is an online marketing company
providing a comprehensive article distribution service. For
further visit their website

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