Friday, May 12, 2006

ArticleBlaster How A Ghost With A Blue Ball Can Boost Online Marketing


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Article Title: How A Ghost With A Blue Ball Can Boost Online
Author: Siriol Jameson
Word Count: 617
Article URL:
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: dashhillpress[at] (replace
[at] with @)

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
What does online marketing have to do with a ghost? Plenty.
Read this and you will see why. The memory still unsettles me
whenever I think back to that night.

The experience taught me that to write about a product, you
have to see it at work. You will see how this can help you,
also. But first, here is what happened that night.

It was November - almost 3 years ago. My friend and client,
Guido, asked me to write a sales letter and a couple of ads for
him. He ran a ghost busting business.

It struck me as hard to make money chasing ghosts out of
people�s houses but he made a good living. Guido convinced me
that I had to get a feel for his business. So, he asked me to
accompany him on a job.

I agreed and found myself the following Thursday night with him
and his girlfriend, Erin, in the home of an art gallery owner.
The owner and his family were away and the place smelled of
stale smoke and chrysanthemums. We were alone � or almost

The ghost, Guido explained, was a child who had died in the
house 60 years before. He would come back looking for toys.
Guido led us to the dining room where he set up his equipment.
The only toy I saw was a blue ball under the sideboard that
belonged to the owner�s young son.

Guido half opened the door leading to the cellar and turned out
the lights. We sat on the floor in the dark wearing night-vision
goggles and waited.

It happened a little after 1 a.m. The blue ball hurtled from
under the sideboard, hit the table leg and bounced back. I
heard a click from Guido�s equipment and the ball stopped
short. After a few minutes of stillness, the ball darted forth
again. This time, it zigzagged along the wall.

Erin and I exchanged a quick glance and I strained to see what
was causing the ball to move. I could only imagine some unseen
little feet kicking it and scurrying after it. Again, Guido�s
equipment clicked and kept on clicking. The ball rolled out the
cellar door and bounced down the steps.

It was over.

Guido didn�t explain how he did it, but assured us the little
ghost would not be back - ever. I ran my hand over the bare
floor where the ball had been. I was feeling for wires or
string, suspecting that Guido had rigged the whole thing. But I
found nothing.

I didn�t go to bed when I got home. Instead, I wrote an account
of the ghost. I also wrote the sales letter and ads for Guido.
The words rolled off my fingertips like raindrops. I set the
scene of what it was like to be in the same room with a ghost.

In writing about Guido�s service, I tried to make the readers
feel the same things I had. I brought all my senses into it �
touch, smell, hearing, sight and taste.

I learned another lesson from that experience that may help
you. The lesson is this: write the sales letter for your online
marketing right after you see the product at work. That makes
your words fresh and urgent.

Oh, and about the little ghost: Guido told me he didn�t stay in
the cellar. He disappeared and Guido knows in his heart that
some loving arms welcomed him back into that �in-between world�
that ghosts call home.

About The Author: Siriol Jameson helps you find a business that
makes money forever. Visit:
Pick up insider tips by subscribing to Siriol�s fr^e.e Ezine at

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