Tuesday, May 23, 2006

ArticleBlaster Goodwin Career Breakthroughs Crystal Ball

Free-Reprint Article Written by: Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.
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Article Title:

Goodwin Career Breakthroughs Crystal Ball

Article Description:

Effective career planning starts with, "Lose the crystal ball."
Often we can't predict what will happen, but we can find ways to
create good outcomes no matter what happens. Here are 5 steps to
winning the toughest decision games.

Additional Article Information:

694 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2006-05-23 11:24:00

Written By: Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.
Copyright: 2006
Contact Email: mailto:goodwincathy@yahoo.com

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Goodwin Career Breakthroughs Crystal Ball
Copyright � 2006 Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.
21-Day Extreme Career Makeover Guide

Q: "For a long time I've been thinking about a career change.
I've got a terrific idea for a service targeted to first-time
home buyers and real estate agents. And I've got a year's
salary in the bank.

"My friends say, 'Go for it!' But my business advisor warns,
'If the real estate market slows down, your idea won't work.'
How can I forecast the real estate market?"

A. Did you hear a crashing sound? That was my crystal ball,

Believe me, if I could predict markets, I would be writing this
ezine from a penthouse in Trump Tower. A limo would be idling on
the street, waiting to drive my Gracie (my adopted mutt) and me
to an elite dog park...

But let's return to reality.

Often we can't predict events but we need to protect our future.
Therefore, our question shifts from "What will happen?" to
"What would I do if X happens?"

We do this all the time when we leave home everyday. We can't
always predict rain. But, if it's really important to stay dry,
we carry an umbrella even if the sun is shining and we have an
"all clear" forecast.

So before embarking on your next adventure, here are 5 steps
create your own career insurance policy.

(1) Assess your relationship to your target market.

Clients who consider starting a business usually worry about
getting a business license, finding health insurance and
accumulating capital. Sure, these areas are important. But what
you really need are customers.

In my experience, success comes most easily to those who share
two qualities. They speak the language of their target market and
they have direct access to potential customers.

For example, if you've been working in the loan division of a
bank, you may already speak real estate language. If you're an
accountant or marketing pro with many clients in the real estate
field, you probably speak the language and you have a list of
realistic prospects.

(2) Identify your red, green and yellow lights.

Once an investor said, "I can't predict the devaluation of the
dollar. But I have identified the maximum tolerable devaluation
that I can handle. If the dollar goes below that level, I know
what actions I will take."

You can do the same. Each business (and each job) will have
different benchmarks. But you can decide ahead of time when you
will pull out, invest more aggressively, or slow down.

(3) Develop your most pessimistic scenario - and decide what you
will do if it happens.

I recommend writing out both your worst case scenario and your
Plan B.

For example, as you noted, the market may crash. But consider
other possible outcomes. For example, working in real estate on a
day-to-day basis may be considerably less appealing once you get
into the nitty gritty details.

And your Plan B may seem flimsy once you get into the details.
"I can always go back to my current career" is not a Plan B
unless you have a bona fide, legal agreement for a leave of

But often there's no possibility of going back, even if you can.
Both you and your industry will be different and some career
fields have high barriers to re-entry.

(4) Test the waters.

Often you can start on a small scale, part time basis to see if
the market is ready for your idea. More important, you also
decide if you like your new world.

If you're not competing with your employer, you may be able to
get an unpaid leave of absence to test your venture. These
sabbaticals are rare, and you have to be careful with the way you
phrase your request. But it happens.

(5) Consider more than one path to finding your dream career.

Sometimes you really, truly need a change, and you have to get
serious about moving. In my experience, frustrated workers tend
to experience physical symptoms. Some even sabotage their own
success so they're forced to find a new career.

Few professionals have just one (and only one) passion. And once
you begin exploring, you will find alternative paths to career
success and fulfillment.

Career Consultant Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D. created the 21-Day
Extreme Career Makeover guide for midlife professionals who
want to transform career breakdowns to career breakthroughs.
Download your fr*e Report: Why Most Career Change
Fails (and how to write your own success story)



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