Sunday, May 28, 2006

ArticleBlaster Create Marketing Magic With The Right Color


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Article Title: Create Marketing Magic With The Right Color
Author: Siriol Jameson
Word Count: 579
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Author's Email Address: dashhillpress[at] (replace
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================== ARTICLE START ==================
Colors have a hypnotic effect on people. Many people feel drawn
to azure blue, for instance.

The odd thing about blue is that it can make you feel trusting.
It is subtle. You are probably not aware of it. Other colors
work in the same way. Shades of colors also have a subtle
effect on your mood. Bars are often decorated in dark shades of
red, grey or blue in order to soothe customers into staying.
Kindergartens are filled with pastel shades to keep children

How can a color help sell your product? Easy. It can put your
customer in the buying mood. You can color anything your
customer sees � your product, its packaging, the website, sales
materials or your logo. If you choose the right color, you could
send people scrambling for their wallet.

Here are some colors and their power:

* Blue is an all-time favorite. If you use blue, people see you
as trustworthy. It is conservative and solid. Blue is the color
for little boys because according to folklore, baby boys are
born in the blue shadow under a cabbage. Good products and
services for blue are boys� clothes, jewelry, travel,
insurance, business services and art.

Blue exerts another extraordinary effect: it curbs the
appetite. Dieters sometimes eat in blue light, from a blue
plate in a blue-colored room. It odd thing is � it works. They
do not eat as much.

* Red signals excitement � and danger. It makes people feel
expectant. It is often used for introducing a new product. Some
good products for red are security products, toys, sports
accessories, cars, children�s clothing and pet products.

* Pink is a calming color. Pink is used to sell girls� clothes
and toys as well as cosmetics. Pink shades and lampshades
soften the light in a room. A sales price printed in pink tends
to make it appear less expensive. Perhaps, it is the calming
effect at work. Pink is also pure innocence. Little girls are
given the color because ancient folklore has it that girl
babies are born in the heart of a rose. *Yellow grabs the eye.
In fact, it is the first color babies recognize. It gives off a
secure feeling. It is excellent for children�s clothing, health
services, vitamins, pet items, music, flowers and household

* Cream is serious and elegant. It is good for costly items. It

is used in women�s fashions, interior design, linen, bedding,
kitchens and books.

* Grey is serious. Light grey is efficient and sleek. It is
good for men�s fine clothing, silverware, machinery, genealogy
and family crests. The walls of office buildings are often
light grey. Dark grey is ultra serious.

* Green expresses freedom, purity and spaciousness. A soothing
color, it goes well with food, water, cooking, flowers, house
shutters and doors. Light green is associated with money and
ties in with the stock market and business.

* Purple is commanding and sure. In olden days it was used only
for royalty. It gives the impression of quality and works well
for exclusive and costly items. It is used for heirlooms,
books, music and memberships in exclusive clubs.

* Orange makes you look twice. It says: danger is near. It is a
bold, hot color that works well with sports clothes, games,
camping gear, outdoor vests and children�s apparel.

About The Author: Siriol Jameson helps you make m.oney from
home. Choose from over 40 home businesses that make m.oney
forever. Visit
Get insider success secrets by subscribing to Siriol�s fr^e.e

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