Thursday, May 18, 2006

ArticleBlaster Banner Advertising: How Does It Work?


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Article Title: Banner Advertising: How Does It Work?
Author: Trever Dellinious
Word Count: 458
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Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: articledistribute[at] (replace
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================== ARTICLE START ==================
So you are an internet marketer and you want to make money
right? Or maybe you are just somebody with a product or service
to sell that is looking for innovative ways to get your stuff in
front of more customers eyes and increasing the size of your
market share. Either way you have come to the right place to
read about an excellent form of advertising called banner
advertising that takes advantage of the wave of the future�the
internet. The internet allows your market to instantly be any
where in the world that there is a computer and that you can
then ship your product or provide your service. Now some of the
more traditional type services like doctors, plumbers, etc. will
be limited by the geography naturally but this is still a great
way to advertise in your area as more and more people are
getting on the internet daily.

What is banner advertising you say? Well it is an ad that is
placed on a website that is not related to the ad but
preferably is one that lots of people will hit. It is an ad
that usually is in some sort of image file and often contains
typical words and pictures as well as animation and sound which
are becoming popular �hooking� techniques. The ad is usually
short and wide or tall and narrow and this is why it is
referred to as a banner. When a customer wants to see more they
simply click on the banner and are taken via an embedded link to
another page which is typically the sales page. If the product
is something that you can purchase online or download it is
done through this page. Otherwise it is just more exposure for
the advertiser.

Another good question is why would the host website allow the
ad to be on their page? Well just like any form of advertising
the advertiser pays for time or in this case space. Most often
with banner advertising the deal is worked out according to how
many clickthroughs happen in a given amount of time. Usually the
cost is five to ten cents per click.

How would I get my advertisement on a page? Well again just
like other forms of advertising there are many ways to do it.
You could personally contact the owner or operator of the site
and work out a deal, or you could hire and advertising firm
that does all of that work for you. Most often it is this
second form that is used and these advertising companies will
place the ad on multiple different sites and collect the fees,
and paying the site�s owner or operator.

About The Author: Working many years for a large computer
company�s marketing department Trever Dellinious was primed for
the success he quickly found in internet marketing. Go to for marketing secrets like
banner advertising.

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================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by Trever Dellinious please

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