Wednesday, May 24, 2006

ArticleBlaster Advertise With A Billboard


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Please consider this free-reprint article written by:
Rachael Cleipher

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Article Title: Advertise With A Billboard
Author: Rachael Cleipher
Word Count: 410
Article URL:
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: articledistributer[at]
(replace [at] with @)

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
Are you looking to make a strong advertisement for your
business, event or just for fun? If so, than you already know
that there are a ton of ways to advertise. Surely you've
considered using the internet, the phonebook, the newspaper or
even perhaps sending out mass emails or mailers. Perhaps,
however, you have not considered advertising with a billboard.

Advertising with a billboard is great for many reasons. First,
and most obvious, is that a billboard is huge! No one can drive
by a billboard without seeing it, and that is exactly the kind
of advertising you need for an important message. People may be
able to ignore a small flyer in the mail or even an add in the
newspaper, but it is unlikely that anyone will ignore your

Another great reason to advertise using a billboard is that it
is visual. People love visual. Billboards allow you to combine
color, photography and graphics, and words. This combination
makes for a powerful message that cannot be forgotten. You will
be hard pressed to find another advertising avenue that has all
of these elements for the public eye to see. No one has to surf
the internet or purchase a paper to see your ad. Brilliant.

If you do decide to go with a billboard for your next
advertisement, then do it wisely. Even the best marketing
strategies can be horrible if they are done without care. So
take time to think through the kind of billboard you want, the
location that would be best for you, and the audience that you
are trying to reach with your billboard. All of these details
and more are vital to consider when you are trying to create
the perfect billboard.

Realize now that you may not have all the skills it takes to
properly advertise on a billboard. Don't be afraid to gather
knowledgable professionals and ask for their help. The more
help you receive, the better chance you have of making a great
and lasting impression with your billboard. Allow people to
give you suggestions about how to market for a wider audience
or about how to set your billboard apart from the countless
amount of other billboards that line highways and roads.

Take your time, do the job well, and enjoy all of the benefits
that advertising with a great billboard can bring to you and
your company.

About The Author: Rachael Cleipher has seen many great
billboards her day. Unfortunately, she has also seen some
forgettable ones. See more at
for the sake of your business and learn how to create a
billboard that works.

Please use the HTML version of this article at:
================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by Rachael Cleipher please

Marketing and advertising Marketing and advertising small business Business marketing and advertising
Marketing and advertising class


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