Thursday, April 27, 2006

ArticleBlaster Are Your Customer's Satisfied?

Free-Reprint Article Written by: Kent Jacobson, a.k.a. Mr. Success
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Article Title:
Are Your Customer's Satisfied?

Article Description:
Do you monitor how satisfied your customer's are with the service
or product provided to them? If you do great, if not, you
definitely need to start.

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306 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: Fri Apr 28 00:01:40 EDT 2006

Written By: Kent Jacobson, a.k.a. Mr. Success
Copyright: 2006
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Are Your Customer's Satisfied?
Copyright � 2006 Kent Jacobson, a.k.a. Mr. Success
Shortcut 2 Success

Do you monitor how satisfied your customer's are with the service
or product provided to them? If you do great, if not, you
definitely need to start. The reason to maintain customer loyalty
is obvious, look at all the competition that is in the market
place. Customer loyalty to you and your product or service is
a key component to maintaining a successful business.

Where to begin? Begin by improving you & your companies listening
skills at all levels. Every contact made by you or your personnel
via the internet, phone or in person is a potential "Customer
Moment" and can provide early indications of potential problems.
I mean everybody, from the dock to board room; train yourself and
personnel to listen. Listen to what may be considered a trivial
or off the cuff comment, document it and discuss internally.
These comments may actually become a real customer issue, and
if dealt with sooner rather than later will build customer
satisfaction and loyalty.

Next, develop a feedback system that supports the collection of
customer information and can even provide a response mechanism
when required. To implement this system, you will need to assign
a person or small team to decide what is best for your business
and customer base. You might even engage some of your faithful
customers in this project.

Active listening to you customers is not easy at first, but
you will recognize the power and monetary benefit of avoiding
customer complaints and heading off problems before they
escalate. Just remember the last time you were the recipient of
poor customer service! Do not fail to act on what you information
gained through your customers voice. If additional training is
required seek out subject matter professionals and organizations
to assist you.

The investment will be worth it, just ask your customers what
they think!

Kent Jacobson, a.k.a. "Mr. Success" is a trusted authority in the
success field and provides valuable success information for free
through his website at: . You can
also read Kent's Success Blog to find more success secrets at:



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