Friday, April 21, 2006

ArticleBlaster Affiliate Marketing, Do You Have What It Takes?


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Article Title: Affiliate Marketing, Do You Have What It Takes?
Author: Kevin Dahl
Word Count: 529
Article URL:
Format: 64cpl
Author's Email Address: kdahl[at] (replace [at]
with @)

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================== ARTICLE START ==================
Which of the following statements about Affiliate Marketing
describe where you are?

1. You know what Affiliate Marketing is.
2. You understand that Affiliate Marketing can produce a good
income for you.
3. You believe in your ability to make money selling other
people�s stuff on the internet.
4. You�re not exactly sure of what you should do first, where
you should invest your money or how to move from learning to

If this is where you�re at, you�re not alone. Every day,
thousands of people launch into Affiliate Marketing in exactly
the same place; ready to give it an honest try and ready to see

The truth is that for every thousand people who give Affiliate
Marketing a try, only a handful will actually succeed in making
any real money. Who makes it? Who doesn�t, and what is the magic

The answers are going to surprise you. They definitely
surprised me.

The �gurus� of Affiliate Marketing, like all business success
stories, were the first to discover and fully harness the
incredible money making opportunities available. Today�s
�market of affiliate marketing� is crowded and competitive. You
will work harder and longer today to make a fraction of what
many made �overnight� when the business was young.

So does that mean you�re a day late and a dollar short when it
comes to Affiliate Marketing?

Absolutely not! Especially if the following description is an
honest assessment of who you are. (It might be helpful to share
this with those who know you best and ask if they see some of
these same qualities in you.)

Successful Affiliate Marketers are intelligent, computer and
Internet savvy; they are perseverant and are committed to the
business well beyond the �minutes a day� promotional pitches.
Using the tools available, they�re able to track and maintain
literally tens of thousands of pieces of information. They�re
organized, they�re creative and they�re optimistic. The road
can be long and frustrating. The �magic difference� between
those who succeed and those who don�t can be found in their
personalities, their brainpower and their willingness to work
very hard.

So you�re still ready to go? What�s next? Where is the best
place to dive in?

Resources, resources, resources.

Get started with the best resources available. Don�t reinvent
the wheel; learn from those that have gone before you. But also
remember that in any business, you will bring your own ideas and
creativity to the table, so don�t be afraid to use them. Avoid
the �cookie cutter� approach to Affiliate Marketing.

As you move forward, you�ll make many more important decisions.
Should you launch your own web sites? What kind of advertising
will you utilize? How will you continue to get expert advice
and training as you go along? All of these questions will
require you to sort through the myriad of resources out there.

Affiliate Marketing Advantage exists to navigate the jungle
alongside of you.

About The Author: Kevin Dahl is a software developer with over
20 years experience developing Windows software. He discovered
the world of Affiliate Marketing while learning how to market
his first web site For additional
information visit us at

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================== ARTICLE END ==================

For more free-reprint articles by Kevin Dahl please visit:

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