Monday, April 24, 2006

ArticleBlaster The 4 Step-Program For Using Direct Mail To Recruit


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Article Title: The 4 Step-Program For Using Direct Mail To
Author: Joe Niewierski
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Author's Email Address: karla_jo[at] (replace
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================== ARTICLE START ==================
So you�re are looking to recruit for new mortgage brokers. When
you think about doing that you probably hope that you can create
enough interest in your company that you have enough hiring
prospects to choose from and still be able to get the cream of
the crop. There are many options out there for recruiting. But
when looking for good mortgage brokers, it is best to look at
what will get you the best Return On Investment. Just like in
attracting clients to your business and calculating the ROI by
tracking what each of those leads spent, take a look through
the same window in applying Direct Mail to recruiting brokers.

Direct Mail is one of the best ways to recruit. Why?

1. You can get a targeted list. Because when using direct mail
you can easily acquire a very targeted list of mortgage
brokers. You can get a list of mortgage brokers with home
addresses. You can get a list of brokers with a certain income.
You can get a list of brokers in a certain area, a certain age
range. This makes it easy to only attract the brokers who will
fit into your business model.

Pay your list close attention. It could take you from the
�pedestrian� approach and shoot you over into the fast lane.
Targeted lists are not the only benefit is using Direct Mail to
target new recruits. Now let�s look at the other two points and
see how they all tie together.

2. You can make the main �button� your headline. A �button� is
word, phrase, picture, etc. that elicits an emotional response.
Your direct mail piece should show that the opportunities they
will have at your company are better than the opportunities
they will have at their present company - right off the bat.
You want an emotional response because you want them calling

In designing many direct mail postcards for the mortgage
business, I have found that there are three key buttons that
brokers respond to when being recruited. You can use any of
these when you are using direct mail for recruiting. Using them
in the headline will evoke the best response.

The three main points that are going to get a broker�s
attention are:

a) Earn larger commissions,
b) A better selection of products to offer,
c) �Brand Recognition� � you have a great company identity to
back them up.

Making the headline tie in with your list is key. Maybe you
pick a list with their annual income a little low so that you
can target this demographic by saying something like �Not
Taking Enough Home? We can give you higher commissions�.

If your business model is having more products to sell and
consequently a higher closing percentage for that mortgage
broker, then get that message across in your headline.
Remember, you only have a few seconds to communicate your
message in a direct mail piece, so push your particular button
in the headline.

Let�s say that your business model is such that you only offer
a small portfolio of products because that is your niche and
you don�t plan to expand your product line. You may want to
push higher commission structure. In essence, pick which one of
the big 3 fit your company best and run with it.

As a mortgage company, you give your brokers opportunities and
pay them � in its simplistic form. Direct Mail is one of the
best forms of advertisement when recruiting because you push
whichever opportunity button that directly communicates your
business. Make that �button� your headline. Elicit that
emotion, get the call. The other opportunities or benefits you
can put as secondary communication � for example in a bulleted
form on the back of the postcard. But your headline needs to
pop and pull with the main button that you want to get across.

3. Use a postcard. The difference in sending a nice
professional letter rather than a postcard is this one thing:
Are they going to open it? How many �junk mail� pieces do you
get in the mail and don�t even open? Plenty. Get their
attention in the few seconds that you have and get your point
across. Postcards are short, sweet and to-the-point. You may
never have that opportunity with a letter. Then when they
respond, follow up with a letter telling more about your
company. But make sure that the letter has your same colors
and/or logo on it so they recognize it as the same company who
sent them the postcard.

If you have a full color dynamic postcard that says �Wish you
were reaching your full potential as a mortgage broker?� Or
�Are you�re commissions not what they were cracked up to be?�
That is going to jump out at them. That�s exactly what you
want. Now you�ve got their attention and they will be more
likely to call and see what you have to tell them.

Also, you want to get your message across with two or three
postcards � each slightly different than the first, but with
the same look, feel and colors. All you want to say is what
opportunity you are offering � don�t put all the details on the
card, just make them want it and make them call. A letter or
package sent out afterwards that explains your whole business,
what you can offer them, what products you offer, what your
commission scale is (a lot of times your commission scale is
too much to put in the postcard) is a great follow up. In the
postcard, just tell them that more than likely what you�re
offering is better than what they are getting now.

4. Finally, tell them to give you a call. Your headline and
graphic are the most important parts. Get their attention first
as the main focus � then they will turn the postcard over to
read what else you want to tell them. But don�t forget to
command them to call you.

You can be extremely effective in recruiting with direct mail
postcards because with direct mail you are directing your
message to a well-defined target that is more likely to respond
than if you just shot off an arrow with your eyes closed. Good
luck and happy hunting!

About The Author: Joe Niewierski, VP Marketing at
PostcardMania, became a published writer after graduating with
a BA in Advertising from USF. Joy Gendusa founded PostcardMania
in 1998. By 2005 the company did over $12 million in sales,
employed over 100 people and made Inc. Magazine's prestigious
Inc 500 List. Visit for more
marketing advice.

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